Albedo, Time.

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The man had yanked your arm, your body scraping against the concrete of the broken wall, skin on your shoulder breaking and bleeding. Albedo's eyes went feral, out of character, his words barking almost as worse as his bite, "Be careful!! Are you stupid?!" 

     Guy flinched, the metal on his armour chinking. They were being attacked by a legitimate monster and yet here he felt in even more danger with Albedo himself. A laser shot through the air, burning everything in the wintery environment. The alchemist was at your side in an instant, looking over your unconscious body. If Guy hadn't have tossed you, you would have been snatched by the Ruin Grader, a minor scratch seemed like nothing. Though you may have a dislocated shoulder now. 

     "My apologies," Albedo calmed himself once he made sure you were as okay as you could be. He looked back at Guy, the danger that was once brimming his eyes had now ceased, "Please, she just means a lot to me."

      This was something he had trained for as a Knight, seeing the stress in civilians and outbursts of the drunkenly and disorderly. Never in his entire training nor meeting with Albedo did Guy ever think he would see an expression other than nonchalant or, on the occasional days, disinterested. Now, however, he was sweating at the brow, muscles tensed as the Grader behind the broken wall spurred. It was getting up again. Guy sprung into action, scooping you up in his arms, "I've got her, don't worry."

     Albedo nodded, more of reassurance to himself. He motioned his hand to the left, "You know where my camp, it's not far. Please take her there."

     "You're not coming?" Guy questioned, fearing for the alchemists life. Even if he was one of the strongest in Mondstat, this was a monster Guy had never encountered before. 

      The blonde materialised his sword, gold alchemy dusting his other hand as he peered for an opening, "It's fine. I've fought these before, this one just caught me off guard." There was nothing Guy could say to this, and nothing that would come fast enough before Albedo spoke a single word, darting into action: "Go."

     Flashes of bright, gold petals encompassed the area. Guy darted over fallen branches and past old, hilichurl remains with you in his arms, careful not to let you tip his balance. In the background, Albedo kept the Ruin Grader occupied, jumping and pounding away with his sword, using his alchemy to the best of his abilities. It was working, Guy gradually getting you safer and safer away, your cold body now involuntarily quivering in his arms. 

      He was taken aback. You were shivering, your body moving which it hadn't done since he left Mondstat. He thought you were dead. Guy thought Albedo killed you back in the city. Defying all odds, you were still alive.


At camp, Albedo had procured a hot drink and warm towels, taking care to lay you gently in warm blankets before adhering to Guy. "Thank you," the alchemist said, taking a seat beside you and opposite to the knight. 

      Guy felt awkward, taking a tiny sip of the liquid, averting his eyes. "I have to apologise," he blurted, thankful that the crackling fire wasn't any louder, lest he go unheard. Albedo just looked up to confirm he was listening, a cue for him to continue, "I thought you murdered. I was so sure I was helping a villain hide a body or... Something." 

       This seemed to pique Albedo's curiosity, one blonde eyebrow raising, "And yet you still chose to help me?"

      A pitiful laugh, "My mind couldn't make heads or tails. I knew you couldn't have done something awful, you're an integral part of us, you wouldn't stoop so low. Even so, when I saw you pull your hand away from her chest, I thought I saw a shard of glass or something... I don't even know what I'm saying." 

       "I suppose," Albedo traced the rim of his cup with his index finger, watching the liquid ripple, "It would make sense for me to order you to help me hide the body. Take you both up the mountain, and then I would have eradicated both the corpse and a witness." When Albedo met his eyes with Guy, Guy's body felt like crystaline ice had taken over his veins. Even with all his faith in Albedo and the Knights, he couldn't deny the uncertainty held over him when alone with him. "No," Albedo continued, gazing down at your sleeping form with an obsession like nothing Guy had ever seen, "She needs sustenance." 

      Confusion wracked the Knight, his gaze looking around the little hub, "Would you like me to make something?" 

      Albedo stood, taking diliberate steps towards him. Guys only slightly moved away when Albedo's hot, impossibly hot hand touched his neck, feeling every pulse of blood his heart beat through the body. The shorter male looked down into the Knight's mug, seeing it still mostly full, "Drink up. It's important you finish it."

       Who was he to question his superior? He's always dreamed of doing something crazy with the Knights, he almost felt lucky when he was able to find you and Albedo together at the dead of night, being roped in to helping move your unconscious body. He brought the cup back to his lips to drink.

     Albedo was moving around piles on his desk, looking for equipment Guy could only guess of. He absentmindedly spoke to the room, "You weren't entirely wrong. In a sense, I did kill her. And, you are going to die here." 

       This had him slowly lowering his cup, looking up at Albedo with wide eyes, "... What?"

     He was too stunned to run, only able to sit there as Albedo looked into the mug. "There's still a bit more," he said, before quickly pinching Guy's cheeks and forcing the contents down his constricting throat. Guy choked and wailed, unable to push the smaller man off him in his attempts to break free. Once the liquid was gone, the cup was tossed somewhere to the side, Albedo sitting up on Guy's chest with a jagged handsaw in one hand. The knight couldn't fathom what was going on. When did he become so weak? What did Albedo make him drink? Why couldn't he run like he wanted to? "It'll take a moment to kick in," Albedo said, aiming the serrated blade at his neck, "It's got the required nourishments for her to consume. Should be done by the time you're fully decapitated." 

      The sawing motion brought blinding white and red to Guy's visage.


You awoke to droplets of blood on your face, trickling down your cheeks and into your parted lips. It wasn't just blood, it was nourishment, the kind you knew only Albedo held. Of course only he had it, what would he do if you could get your fix somewhere else? You suppose even starving yourself like you tried was no use, he'd always find a way to bring you back. 

     His gentle hand was caressing your cheek, his words cooing, "That's my good girl. Drink up, I've prepared him properly for you."

       'Him'? Questioningly, you opened your eyes to see what he meant. If your throat wasn't so raw, you'd scream to the hills content, your body unable to move away from the gore before you. To your right was Albedo, smiling down at you, eyes soft and swirling in obsessive madness. However, in on hand he held a decapitated man's head, spine cut across and tendons in his throat hanging and leaking. His face was contorted in horrific pain and betrayal. 

      Noticing your tears, Albedo hushed you, swiping his thumb under your eyes to catch your crying, "You brought this on yourself, (Y/n). I already told, I'd destroy all of Tevyat if it meant keeping you locked up with me." 

     Every century he gets worse. You wish you had the ability to stop him sooner. You wish you could go back and let him feed you, exactly how he wanted to in the first place. 

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