Episode 13 - The Last Survivors

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Previously: When The Whisperers took over the planet after being brought over by The Doctor from a transference modular, The Doctor caused a shatter effect, making Earth uninhabitable for The Whisperers, causing them to evacuate the planet to find some different shelter.

The Tardis materialises outside the Redburn House. Maya and Greg exit the Tardis smiling.
The Doctor then closes the door behind him as he walks outside and says "there we go" Maya nods "I need to check on Todd and Emma" The Doctor smiles as Maya runs into the house.
Greg then turns around, looking at The Doctor and he says "what happens now?" The Doctor says "I need to check a couple of things, try and see if I can find whoever it was that did that thing to Mary" Greg nods at him "be safe, yeah?" The Doctor smiles at him "of course I wi-".
Suddenly, a shrieking sound is heard as a Whisperer appears behind them, The Doctor then says "impossible!" Greg shakes his head "but we stopped them-" The Whisperers then says "not all of us" The Doctor then says "how many of you are here?" The Whisperer then starts to laugh "we are of many" The Doctor looks at Greg in shock.
Maya then stands looking in shock as Emma, Todd, Frank and Karla both look at The Whisperer.

(Doctor Who Title Sequence)


David Harewood - The 14th Doctor
Tilly Keeper - Maya Redburn
Parry Glasspool - Greg Redburn

The Doctor stands there glaring at The Whisperer, until it then fades away, disappearing.
Maya looks over at The Doctor "how is that possible? You made the planet uninhabitable for them" The Doctor nods "like everything, some always stay behind, some managed to survive" Karla nods "the last survivors?" The Doctor nods at him "yep" Frank then says "we can't let them do what they did before, they took over the entire planet" The Doctor then says "they can't there's not enough of them, but they're still a big threat, I'll call Kate, see if she can help-".
The Doctor then opens up the phone compartment in the Tardis, and he dials a number.
As The Doctor stands there, hearing the phone ringing, the phone stops ringing and it goes through to voicemail saying "welcome to the Vodaphone voicemail service for Oh-Seven-One-".
The Doctor then hangs up and he sighs "I hate when people don't answer phones" Maya then says "so, we're on our own?" The Doctor nods at her "yeah, we're on our own" Todd looks at Maya and says "wait, I'm sorry, what's going on?" Maya looks at him "I should've told you, but The Doctor, he's an alien, and that thing earlier, it was an alien" Todd stares at her "right-".
Inside Karla and Frank's house, The Doctor stands near a whiteboard, and he writes some numbers down. The Doctor then says "so, what do we know about them?" Greg then says "they're from another universe?" The Doctor nods "right-" The Doctor then writes another number onto the board. Maya then says "oh, you said they're an in-disc-ern-inble species?" The Doctor nods and he writes another number onto the board. Karla then shouts "oh! You brought them over to this planet?" The Doctor nods at her "yeah, thanks for that reminder" Karla smiles.
Frank then says "they're evil creatures, that executed people for not doing as we were told" The Doctor nods and writes another number onto the board. Todd then asks "what do the numbers mean?" The Doctor looks at Todd, then at the whiteboard, then back at Todd "oh, nothing, it just helps me focus" Todd nods "oh, right" Maya smiles at Todd as Emma sits beside her. The Doctor looks at Emma, then at Maya and Greg "right, you two...time to find ourselves a Whisperer".

(Commercial Break)

The Doctor, Maya, Greg, Frank and Karla all stand inside Barrow College.
The Doctor then says "right, I need to stay here, make sure the Whisper-meter stays active, but I need someone to go out and lure one of them towards us" Maya then looks at him "Whisper-what?" The Doctor smiles "I made the word up, it's a device that will help keep the Whisperer here, so it shouldn't disappear unless we say so" Frank then says "I'll do it" The Doctor smiles.
Down one of the corridors, Frank stands holding a small script that The Doctor has written and Frank starts to read it "we know you're here, creatures from another universe, make yourself present, I'm talking to you, the race known as THE WHISPERERS".
A Whisperer then emerges from the floor, and it looks at Frank weirdly "you will not survive us" Frank stares at The Whisperer "yeah? Well, just you wait and see-".
The Whisperer then starts coming for Frank, but Frank runs down the corridor.
Running down the corridor, The Whisperer is close behind him.
Frank then turns, and into a room, where The Whisperer follows him inside.
The Doctor then shouts "NOW!".
Karla flicks on the light inside the room, where The Whisperer sees itself inside a room with Maya, Greg, Karla, Frank and The Doctor.
The Doctor then presses a button, where an impulse is sent going through the room.
The Doctor then says "I've just sent a transportation impulse right through you, you're stuck here until I say so, answer my questions, help us to help you, and maybe I'll let you go, got it?".
The Whisperer continues to stare at The Doctor. The Doctor then says "how did you survive?" The Whisperer says "many of our race returned back to our universe, but some of us remained, held on. We've managed to hide for so long due to our difference in frequency's" The Doctor stares at him "frequency...FREQUENCY!" Maya then says "Doctor?" The Doctor smiles "I know exactly how to stop you all...and you just gave it away". The Whisperer screeches.

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