Raindrops and Thunder

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        I think being in love has messed with my memories. I can't seem to recall a thing from even up to a little while ago. The situation of Alfred and I is all together too confusing, but the things I've felt are indescribable. Alfred seems to be a lot more on edge than usual. I wonder why he's so tense...

        Matthew and Alfred had somehow managed to keep their relationship a secret. Alfred always managed to keep their superiors oblivious to their activities. Somehow he'd also managed to give Matthew as much love as he could express in the time they had. The longer their parents were gone, the more adoration Matthew recieve from Alfred. It was something out of one of Alfred's literature books, something along the lines of Shakespeare he thought, although he hadn't yet finished reading any of those plays yet. It was a little strange for him though. Alfred and him practically had the same face. It was weird kissing someone with a face so similar to your own. He felt a little like a narcissist because of it.

        It was on one of those afternoons that Alfred and his companion usually spent cuddling that things were shaken up a bit. Alfred dashed into the house, yelling to Matthew about some new comic he'd picked up. He hopped up the stairs, only to discover that Matthew wasn't in his bed. He called his name again, with no reply. Alfred figured that because Matthew was so horribly quiet, he had probably gotten stuck somewhere and was calling for help, but wasn't nearly loud enough to get any attention. Without hesitation, Alfred started on his search and rescue mission.

        Minutes pass by quickly. It begins to occur to Alfred that Matthew is in fact no where in the house. He walked out in the garden. The flowers dusted the air with their divine fragrance, and their blossoms made the area into its ever-present color-filled space. However, Alfred failed to spot the golden blonde head of hair he was in search of no matter where he looked. It was starting to get a little frustrating. The more time he spent looking for Matthew, the less time they'd have alone. Neither of them wanted that, but it seemed as if Matthew wasn't home all together.


The patio door clicked open. "I'm right here."

Alfred runs back to the patio where the blonde is standing, tackling him through the open door and onto the kitchen floor. "There you are! I was starting to get a little worried there."

"Mr. Kirkland would have washed your mouth out for that kind of language," Matthew groans. "And you're squishing me."

"Oops! " Alfred jumped up, pulling the smaller up with him. "Sorry about that! Where were you anyway?"

"Papa took me to your school," he explains. "He was getting me registered. I get to go to school with you tomorrow."

        Alfred blinked, trying to process what Matt had said. Come to think of it, he had heard some news about a new student joining them soon. News spread like a wildfire in Alfred's high school. He always felt bad for new kids. They were like minnows in a pool of sharks. Fresh meat. Alfred was a little bit more protective of Matt though, so he'd never let the bullies and perverts of his school lay one little finger on him—or so he thought. Regardless, he'd try his best. Matthew was just an innocent little child and high school was absolutely going to stain him.

"Oh cool!" Alfred smiled one of his signature bright smiles. "I can introduce you to all of my friends!"

"That sounds like fun!" Matthew giggles, hugging the other softly.

Matthew's papa poked his head into the room. "There you two are! Would you like a snack?"

        Alfred nodded and tugged Matthew to the counter. Matthew had a rather funny feeling in his stomach. He was overly nervous with the thought of going to school, but only having newly experiencing emotions such as this one, he didn't know how to cope with it. The day passed quickly. Sooner than he wanted, Alfred and him were sent to bed. Sleep evaded him. Slowly he was able to close his eyes, but he hardly kept them closed for long. He hadn't ever experienced sleeplessness either. Like any clueless, lovesick teenager, he did the one thing that he figured would help. He woke Alfred.

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