A Grave Mistake

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        I may be the only one who thinks this but... Alfred has changed, and not in the good kind of way. He's so cold. I'm terrified of it. He used to be so gentle toward me, but something happened. He did something to me that I wished he would have kept secret... And then he had the guts to say what he did... I don't know what to do. I... can't carry on this way. I need to find someone else to help me. Care for me. Protect me. Because the monster I've discovered is not Alfred.

        Alfred stared out the window as a car pulled up the driveway of his home. He'd seen this scene over and over. On this particular day, both Mr. Kirkland and Matthew's papa were out of town on business, leaving the two teenagers alone at home. They had set a strict rule to be back home well before curfew, and Matthew obeyed them. Alfred was getting a little tired of Matthew being out so often, or rather who he was out with. Matthew was oblivious to it, but just about everyone who laid eyes on him developed a rather painstakingly large crush, even for the acclaimed "straight" boys. Alfred absolutely hated it. Of course, for most of them, Matthew being a very obvious, innocent virgin made him a prize worth winning. They're intentions were purely lustful.

        On this particular day, Matthew came home with Ivan Braginski. Matthew and him might have been friends, but Alfred despised him. He could see past that seemingly innocent, smiling face. According to Alfred, Ivan was the vilest of villianous people he had ever met. He hated him with a passion, and Matthew's friendship with him just fueled his rage. He'd complained many times, but Matthew shot down each logical reason with stronger facts. He couldn't win, no matter what. The thoughts of what the Russian wanted to do to Matthew grew stronger, causing Alfred to keep a tighter grip on him. Matthew wasn't exactly happy about it, especially in the night. Alfred refused him comfort, and whenever he was willing to give some comfort, he squeezed the air out of him in his sleep.

        But back in the present day, Matthew approached the front door, opening it with his key and waving Ivan off. He stepped in, attacked by Alfred with kisses as soon as the door was closed. Matthew was surprised to say the least. Alfred had barely laid a finger on him in the last week. This was odd. It felt so empty. Alfred usually wasn't so rough with him, and he didn't like it one bit. He struggled, trying to get away, but to no avail. He whined in displeasure, still struggling against the lustful blonde pinning him to the door. Finally, he resorted to one last solution. He bit down hard on Alfred's bottom lip, making him jump and pull away.

"Ouch!" he yelped. "Calm down! I'm not going to hurt you Matt!"

"I... Please let go of me."


"What? B-but Alfie!"

"I said no."

His eyes were stricken with confusion. "What do you want from me?"

Alfred lets out a sigh. "I... don't know how to say this but... I need you, and I don't want anyone else to look at you the way they have been. Don't you get it? All I've ever wanted is for you to be safe. I can't do that with everyone staring at you. I'm not that strong, and I need to do this or..."

Alfred looked like he was going to cry soon. "I... understand... just please... be gentle..."

        Alfred nodded, pulling Matthew into another less forced kiss. Matthew slowly adjust to it, nervous about what they were to do. Alfred promised he'd be gentle, but a little pain was necessary for these things, as he'd come to learn. It being both Matthew and Alfred's first, it would be awkward and slow, but Alfred was prepared. Alfred's hands wander over Matthew's body, making the smaller shiver and blush a deep crimson color. Matthew never liked being toyed with like this, but he'd put up with it for now. He pulled Matthew up the stairs and into their room. He has no reason to lock the door, but he did it to put Matthew's mind at ease some.

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