A Fear of Revenge

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        I'm... afraid...of what I've done. I fear I've gone too far. How do you know with these type of things? I'm just so confused. How does any of these... actions... prove anything? It doesn't do anything but cause me pain. I'm not sure why I'd agree to this in the first place. Maybe I'm being a little rash with this... No... I... I can do this... hopefully...

        Alfred's eyes scanned the crowds as final stragglers wandered into the school and walked passed his death glare. Finally, Gilbert walked in, smug grin plastered on his face. Alfred stepped away from his position, stopping himself and cursing under his breath. Matthew was with him, Gilbert's arms wrapped loosely around his waist. Alfred knew he risked upsetting Matthew and even injurying him if he attempted an attacked on the German. He growled, quickly exiting the hall. He'd have to wait and see if he could isolate the albino and punish him later.

        Matthew on the other hand, hobbled along, Gilbert helping him to his locker. Alfred would have thought the platinum blonde would have left Matthew to fend for himself, but Gilbert wasn't that much of a monster... yet. Matthew didn't realize what Gilbert had set in motion. Gilbert thought he had known what he had created. Thought. It wasn't the way he had figured it was going to be. He just didn't know that yet. He carried Matthew's backpack up the stairs to the blonde's locker. Matthew was at least grateful for this much help, but he certainly wasn't excited to face Alfred, knowing he wouldn't quit looking for him. Regardless he still had a reply to counteract anything the American had to say.

"So you going to be okay birdie?" Gilbert asked.

"Why do you care so much about me?" Matthew raised an eyebrow. "And stop with that silly nickname! It's embarrassing."

"Sorry," the albino apologized, placing a cool kiss on the back of his neck.

"What's with all of this affection?" Matthew asked, a little irritated. "I thought we were done."

"We are," Gilbert mumbled, a barely noticeable trace of solemnity in his tone. "It's just a little tease for Alfred. You want him to feel regret, right?" Matthew felt his earlobe being tugged by the other's teeth. "Play along then."

"How do you know Alfred is even watching?" Matthew whispered in response.

"Trust me, I know," he replied.

        Matthew sighed, putting his stuff in his locker and grabbing necessary items he'd need for class. Gilbert continued to lightly tease any exposed skin he could get a hold of. Truthfully, he was a little ashamed of destroying something so innocent, but he'd do anything to get back his attention, much like Alfred. No wonder they were friends. Matthew just stayed oblivious, letting Gilbert carry on with his actions as they walked to Matthew's first class. Matthew wasn't aware that not only was Alfred watching from a distance, but Gilbert's actions flaunted Matthew to anyone who wanted him. Gilbert made it perfectly clear that his display of affection was just lust and Matthew was nothing more than a toy to him. Matthew was open for anyone else's taking as far as the others could see.

They reached Matthew's class, Gilbert suddenly spinning the blonde around and tugging him into a rough French kiss. "Have a good day Matthew," the albino hissed in a husky tone, tugging the smaller's lip with his teeth before pulling away and letting go.

        The bell rang moments after that, Gilbert disappearing into the crowd. Matthew stayed on the side of the hall, baffled to say the least. After a few moments of confusion, Matthew slipped into his classroom, blushing a light pink. Alfred couldn't be more furious, standing no more than a few feet away when Gilbert had pulled out that dirty little trick. And then he had been so shocked and angry that he completely lost his train of thought and lost sight of the scheming German. Defeated, he headed to his own classroom.

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