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        I purposely spent the night away from Alfred. I'd prefer not to fall apart at just seeing him. He just been so... Different. I can't stand it. It's impossible to cope with. Things have changed so much. Sometimes I wish I would have just stayed quiet. Maybe then this wouldn't have happened...

        Alfred came to school the next day in a rather sorry state. It was clear that he hadn't slept or eaten. His anxiety had taken him to the point where he jumped at every little thing. It was painstakingly hard to watch. Matthew had seen him in the morning, but he kept himself hidden so Alfred couldn't find him. He was good at disappearing and things like that. He was just a naturally quiet and invisible person. It worked well, especially in the classes him and Alfred shared.

        Alfred wouldn't learn that Matthew had spent the night at Tino's house after the Fin had graciously offered. He was a nervous wreck with still no clue if Matthew was okay or not. That was all he wanted to know really. People had told him they had seen Matthew around, but whenever he tried looking for him, he was no where to be found. Matthew didn't want to be found, and he knew that, but he just wanted to make sure he was okay. It was difficult not knowing if he was safe or not.

"You okay Alfred?" asked Matthias. "You look a little... Tense."

"T-tense?" Alfred stuttered. "I-I'm not tense!"

"Yes you are," Antonio replied flatly. "What's wrong amigo?"

"Nothing!" Alfred faked a smile. "Nothing at all!"

Antonio blinked. "You're clearly holding out on us hermano."

"Why would you think that?"

"You wouldn't be acting this skittish if you were fine," Matthias states.

"Uh..." Alfred stalled. "Where's Gil today?"

Matthias shrugs. "No idea."

"He told me he had business to attend to," Antonio answered, adding an eye roll in the end.

"Huh, funny," Alfred blinked. "He'd usually do anything to come hang out. Maybe those detention sentences finally caught up to him?"

"Probably," nodded Toni.

        However, across the cafeteria, Gilbert was not in detention, but eavesdropping on Matthew's conversation. Usually he took no interest in the timid, silent blonde, but things had changed for many people, including him. In fact, ever since Matt came into the picture, Alfred seemed to be ignoring Gilbert all together. He hated it. What had happened to his best friend? He was determined to make Matthew's life a living hell until he left, but first he wanted to know how to manipulate the blonde the most to twist his life into a terrible, undoable knot. To do that, he had to observe. Although, Alfred had done a good job of screwing things up already. He just had to finish it off.

"I can't believe he did that," Matthew pouted. "I have to find a way to get him back somehow..."

"Do you really have to?" Tino questioned, a little worried. "Alfred is probably willing to apolo—"

"I don't want an apology," Matthew interrupted. "I want him to feel just as crappy as I do for letting him use me."

"Er... Are you sure you're thinking about this correctly? That doesn't seem very ni―"

"Tino, I don't care if its nice or not. I'm set on making Alfred feel just as bad and that's final. I just need to figure of how to do that..."

"I have an idea," Gilbert intruded.

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