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        Today they stole the one reason I'm alive. I may be dying, but no one knows it yet. These men are strange, studying me like I'm some sort of experiment. I'm not sure how long it'll be now.

        The rosebushes were cut down that day. Arthur had called his friend, Francis Bonnefy, home to cut them down for him. Actually, Francis wasn't much of a friend at all. He was more of an associate than a friend (because Alfred was too hard to be raised by just one person). Matthew was all the more terrified now that his safety barrier had been taken down. He cowered away from the two strangers. Francis picked him up and carried him inside, being able to stand Matthew's weak struggling. He set the boy down on the kitchen floor once the door was locked. Matthew swallowed hard at the sight of the new surroundings, immediately ducking behind Alfred for comfort.

Arthur sighed. "Alfred, since you're the only one he seems to trust, will you please take him upstairs and get him washed up? Then we'll talk."

"His name is Matthew," Alfred frowns, sickened that his guardian wouldn't use his friend's name.

"Fine, please go get Matthew cleaned then."

        Alfred faintly growled before taking Matthew upstairs. Matthew was still rather shaken by this entire day. They had cut down his origin. He may not have much longer this year. He may be leaving early, but he didn't want to tell Alfred about that. Alfred seemed happy that Matthew was out of the garden and in his house. Perhaps he forgot all of the research they had done, and what he had said about his point of origin being cut before he left. He followed the blonde into a small room in the upstairs hallway. Alfred locked the door, turning around to face his friend. This might be awkward.

"Okay, let's start by washing off your feet," Alfred starts. Matthew could swear that Alfred's cheeks are the slightest bit pink now.

        Matthew removed his socks and shoes, revealing his dirt crusted feet. If Alfred had known sooner, he would have helped the poor boy clean up. He ran the water for the tub, filling it some and then instructing Matthew to soak his feet for a moment. He honestly didn't want to have to think about what he'd have to do later on. The water in the tub soon became diluted with dirt, so Alfred helped Matthew finish washing his feet off and drained the tub of the murky water. Of course during this Alfred discovered that Matthew is ticklish. Very ticklish. Alfred decided to use this to his advantage. His fingers traveled up Matthew's body, in search of new spots to tickle.

"A-Al!" Matthew laughed, voice louder than usual. "P-please! S-stop that!"

Alfred smiled. "Okay, I'll stop, but you'll have to promise you'll smile for me."

"Okay," he nods, smiling ever-so-slightly.

"Now we need to wash the rest of you off," he blushed cherry red. "Do you mind... Er..."

"Do I mind what?"

It was extremely difficult to get out what he had to say. Matthew's big violet eyes staring at him with all innocence wasn't helping. "I-I need you t-to... Take off your c-clothes..."

Matthew blushes a rosy pink. "Oh..."

        Alfred turns around so Matthew at least has some privacy. Slowly Matthew opens the buttons on his vest to get it off. He removes it cautiously dropping it to the floor. He takes the rest of his clothing off, letting them lay in a less orderly fashion than he'd like. He stands there for a moment, shyly covering his hips. This just went from okay to very uncomfortable.

"W-what do I d-do now?"

        Alfred glances back, soon regretting that. Dammit. He feels his cheeks heat up from the view of embarrassed little Matthew. Why do you have to be so cute Matt? Matthew doesn't realize it yet, but ever since he was thirteen, Alfred has had a huge crush on him. He was cute, beautiful, and not to mention super sexy in his mind. Alfred had more than one dirty, kinky, and completely inappropriate dream about him. He felt so vile for liking his best friend, and a boy at that, but he didn't plan on admitting it. Ever.

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