● | One | ●

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The lights turn on to a mid-sized room with white walls and grey concrete floors. There's six older teenagers lying unconsious in various places around the area. None of the boys are harmed physically in any way, all peacefully asleep under the influence of chloroform.

In the right corner, a small pale boy with black and purple hair stirrs awake. What the fuck? Where is he? The last thing he remembers was walking home from a horrible day at his highschool - he got yelled at for not completeing his section of a group project. He's always hated group projects, working alone is so much better. When the boy looks around the room at the other sleeping teenagers, he wonders if he's going to die here.

Hey, atleast if he dies here, his science teacher will feel really bad for yelling at him the day of his death. Wait, is it even the same day as it was when he was last awake? The highschooler decides It doesn't really matter.

To his left, a boy with a slightly taller build and red hair rubs his eyes and sits, making eye contact with the other concious being in the room. They exchange a few seconds of prolongued eye contact, then the red-haired boy looks around.
"Why are we here? What is this? Did you bring us here?!"

The smaller boy pulls his body backwards slightly and throws his hands in the air in mock fear. "Yeesh, calm down. I'm just as clueless as you are. I'm Virgil, by the way."

"Okay, well, maybe we should try and wake up the othe-"

He's inturrupted by Roman standing up and leaping over the sleeping body of a boy wearing a grey cardigan and round glasses, so that he can reach a boy of the same complexion to him. He places either of his knees either side of the boy's legs and begins to shake his shoulders to wake him up.

"Remus! Remus, wake up!"

The kid who's been labelled as Remus opens his eyes, which are glossed over with confusion as he brings himself to reality. "Ro?"

Roman leans backwards and reaches his hand out for his brother to grab, pulling them both up off of the floor to a standing position.

It's just now that the three of them notice the gate on the front wall of the room. It's comprised of six metal black bars that reach from the ceiling to the floor, and look as if they would pull up upon instruction. Behind them is another room of a similar stature, but resting infront of the black gate is something else.

A small handgun, clearly loaded with one round.

At some point, during their trans of staring at this weapon, one of the other three remaining boys wakes up. They don't even realise until he's standing behind them and releases a swift *ahem* sound from his throat.

"Are you guys just gonna stand there or are you going to catch me up on what's going on?" He raises his eyebrows impatiently. Sat on top of his head is a black beanie with a yelow snake on the front, matching his tank top in the same shade, and black denim jacket.

"Uh, we woke up here, there's a gun. That's pretty much it. What was your name, snake-kid?" Remus retorts, hands in pockets as he glances back to the firearm.
"Snake kid?" He scoffs. "It's Janus."

"Oh, hey, guys- another one's awake."
Said now awake person is sitting cross-legged, eyes to the floor as he fiddles with the cardigan wrapped around his shoulders. When he hears Virgil's statement, he looks up through his strawberry-blonde fringe and golden round glasses.

"Sorry, I'm Patton. I was, uh, just kinda waiting for you guys to stop talking before I told you I was awake. I uh, I heard what the boy wearing green said and all. I don't like guns, I- I'd rather not look at it."

He stands up and walks slowly over to the last boy, who also wears glasses, but of a dissimilar shape. This boy's are black and square.
"Hey, wake up."

Said final asleep candidate slowly has his eyes flutter open to Patton's touch, leaning back on his hands and sitting up before removing his glasses and rubbing his eyes.

"Should we catch you up on what's going on, or..?" Roman asks as the final boy stands and brushes the floor-dust off his torso.

"That won't be nessescary. My name is Logan, I'm going to make the assumption that we've been kidnapped, since it is not a common occurance to wake up in a concreted room with five strangers."
The others seem pleasantly surprised by this observation. Or, as pleasantly surpised as somebody can be in their current situation.

Before they can find the time to speak of their predicament, the six boys have their attentions brought to the speakers in the corners of the room that they have just now noticed.

They all look up to the ceiling as the speakers turn on, ready to make an announcement.


856 words

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