Part 26

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"I want to live alone." She replied.

"What do you mean?" Mr. Lee asked. Everybody stopped eating and looked at her. She didn't look back at anyone but her dad.

"I want to live on my own. I want to have my own place." She said nonchalantly.

"Are you insane Y/N? I know you're upset but this is too much." Jin Hyung said. But again she didn't look at him.

"It seems you had a quarrel with your brothers and that's why you want to leave. Am I right?" Mr. Lee asked. Before Y/N could reply Eva spoke.

"Unnie please I'm really sorry. Please don't do this." She had tears in her eyes. Y/N didn't reply to her either.

"You're a part of Mafia family Y/N. Your life is at risk every moment. Atleast here, with your brothers, you are safe." Mr. Lee said.

"You can send some bodyguards with me. They will also inform you and everybody else about my every action. And I can protect myself too." Y/N spoke without emotions.

"Y/N you can't just go like this. I will not allow you." Min Ho said. But Y/N didn't even look at him let alone reply.

"I'm talking to you Lee Y/N. Look at me and reply." Min ho yelled.

Shiver ran down her spine. She looked up at him.

"I know you won't. That's why I am asking Dad to permit me." She said. "Dad. Please." She added and looked at her Dad.

"Fine. I'll get you a decent and safe place." Mr. Lee sighed.

"You don't have to buy me a place. I'll live as a tenant. I've found a place nearby. I can shift there. Also it would be in my budget." Y/n said.

Everybody else's eyes widened.

"What? Y/N please baby. Don't go.  I will stand against anybody for you , even Min Ho Hyung. Just don't leave us like this." Jimin tried to convince but got no reply from her. He turned towards Min Ho and looked with pleasing eyes "Hyung please say something." He added.

"There is nothing left to say Jimin. She is so desperate to leave that she had already found a place. Let her go. She is a grown up now. She don't need any of us." Min Ho said. Y/N looked at him. His words did hurt her. He made eye contact with her for seconds and then stood up to leave. Y/N sighed as she saw him leaving.

"How long do you plan to live there?" Mr. Lee asked.

"Not sure Dad." She replied.

"Though I am allowing you to live somewhere else but let me tell you that I am not happy with this decision of yours." Mr. Lee said.

"I know Dad. No one is. But you have already done so much for me. I can't repay that but atleast I can stop being a burden on you and hyungs." She said.

"You know what Y/N? I feel slapping you so hard right now." Namjoon said not believing what Y/N just said.

"Namjoon." Mr. Lee called and gestured him to calm down. "Y/N you were never a burden on anyone." He added but Y/N didn't reply to him. She had nothing to say.

"I'll get the dessert." Y/N said, stood up and went to the kitchen.

"This is all because of you Eva. You called her 'adopted bitch'. She is leaving us because of you."  Jungkook growled at her.

"Wait. What did you call her?" Mr. Lee's expressions changed to scary. He looked at Eva for her answer.

" Dad I never meant what I said. I respect her. I love her. I was- I mean i don't know how it came out of my mouth and I'm really sorry about it." Eva pleaded.

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