Part 32

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After the whole conversation with Y/N, Jin went straight to his elder brother. Yoongi and Hoseok were also there.

"We really need to tell Y/N about Alex." Seokjin said with utmost seriousness.

"We have already discussed this Seokjin." Min Ho said with straight face.

"I know Hyung. But this time we have to. We cannot risk her life anymore like this." He replied.

"We aren't absolutely sure about Alex yet. He might not be the one who we think he is. And if we tell Y/N now then her heart will break. And what if Alex turns out to be innocent? What answers will we give to Y/N? How will we face her? She might end up hating us." Yoongi interrupted the two elders.

"I agree Yoongi. But think what if Alex is really a harm to Y/N? What if he does harm her? What if we couldn't save her? Will you be able to look in your own eyes if something happens to Y/N? Will you be able to answer Dad?" Seokjin threw questions.

"We all will protect her. Nobody can touch my sister." Min ho declared.

"But our sister is in love with him and she went against us for him. She did the same 2 years back. She begged in front of you to let Alex live. She fuckin loves him." Seokjin argued.

" Hyung. I agree with Seokjin hyung. He makes sense. I think we should tell Y/N about him." Hobi spoke.

"Thank you Hobi." Seokjin sighed.

"What will we tell her, When we ourselves are not sure about him?" Yoongi questioned.

"We'll just tell her that we doubt Alex to be our enemy's brother and he might be there to take revenge from us, we aren't sure but we want her to she safe and we'll politely ask her to stay away from him as long as we don't find out the truth." Hobi suggested.

"Best. Telling truth is always the best. She will definitely understand us." Seokjin agreed.

Min ho rubbed his temples and sighed. "Fine. But not now. Give her some time. She has been going through so much these days. Let her relax a bit. Until then find out about Alex. We'll tell Y/N day after tomorrow."
Y/N was cooking when Namjoon walked into the kitchen.

"Baby?" He called.

"Yes Hyung-nim?" She replied while chopping some spring onions.

" Did you forgive us?" He asked jumping and sitting up on the kitchen slab. She looked up at him.

"For? The prank? Yes Hyung. You guys wanted me to come back. Your intentions weren't to hurt me." She said.

"Well then you have one more person to forgive." He informed.

"Who?" She questioned.

"Eva." He said.

She rolled her eyes. "Hyung please-"

"Y/N-ie. She accepted her mistakes. She is ready to take any punishment also. Because she is guilty. And moreover, that 'prank' idea was hers. She wanted you back as much as we all wanted." Namjoon said with almost-puppy eyes.

She just sighed and didn't say anything for a while. Namjoon waited patiently for her reply.

"Fine I forgive her too." She said looking at him. He smiled at her.

"Thank you Unnie. I am really sorry." Eva said walking slowly in the kitchen.

Y/N glances at her and then looked at Namjoon. He smiles at her widely.

"It's okay." she said monotonously.

Eva didn't say another word.

"Great." Namjoon said and patted Y/N's back. "We will be going to have a meeting, tomorrow, at dad's place Y/N. You and Eva will be at home. Why don't you guys go out and have some fun? Go for shopping." Namjoon suggested.

Y/N looked at him with a raised eyebrow but then sighed and replied.

"I can't. I'm broke."

"Yeah me too. Min ho oppa took all of my allowance. And he said I won't get any penny for next two months." She said with a sad pout.

Namjoon laughed. He then took out his wallet.

"Here. Take my card." He handed his card to Y/N. "Don't spend much. And get something for me also. I'm out of clothes these days."

Y/N nodded and smiled.


Next day.

When Eva went to Y/N's room to ask her if she was ready to go for shopping, she found Y/N sitting on her study table and searching for something in a box.

"Unnie? You aren't ready?" Eva asked.

Y/N turned her neck to have a glimpse of Eva and then she went back to her search.

"Um actually Eva. I am not feeling quite well. I don't think I'll be able to go out today." She replied with no detectable emotions yet softly.

Eva felt bad. She thought Y/N doesn't want to go out with her because of the past incidents.

"Unnie are you still upset? I swear I'm really sorry. I accept that I have been the worst-" her words were cut.

"No Eva. I'm just not well. Having headache. I forgave you. No grudges." Y/N smiled.

Eva hugged her. Though Y/N just patted Eva's hand. It was awkward for Y/N.

"You're having a headache right? Come I'll give you a massage." Eva offered.

"No I'll just take the medicine-"

"No I don't want to hear anything. Come here I'll massage. You work so hard for everyone but never take care of yourself. And take this as my apology please." Eva spoke while pulling Y/N from her study to her bed. Y/N denied quite a few times but Eva was stubborn.

Eva pulled the bun stick out of Y/N's hair and her long hair falls down, it's ends were touching the bed.

After few minutes of quite, wordless massage, Y/N broke the silence.

"Why are you being so nice?"

Eva thought for few seconds and the replied.

"Unnie. I never meant to hurt you. I know I did wrong but that was a jealousy trip and that won't happen again. I promise. I really love you. I don't know about you but I have accepted you as my sister. I did back in the beginning." Eva said in very low tone.

Y/N turned back to her and then smiled. They both talked a bit about here and there before Y/N fall asleep.


Next day.

Everyone were in the university after so long. Y/N was with Jungkook, Jin and Hobi. They all were standing near Y/N and Jk's locker, when she saw Alex coming towards her. He went very close to Y/N, winked at her and then passed by them. Y/N completely ignored him. Didn't even spare him a glance. She knew her brothers are unpredictable. They might take out their guns and shoot him right then and there.

"What the fuck? I would pluck out his eyes." Jungkook growled and was about to go to Alex but Y/N held his hand.

"Jk. Not now." Jin warned.

"Not EVER." Y/N growled with scary eyes and left for her class.

Later that day, when Y/N was waiting for her brothers in the parking, a guy came. He qas panting badly. It took 10-15 seconds for Y/N to recognise that he was Alex's friend.

"Y-Y/N. Alex-alex—" he was breathing heavily.

"What? Alex what?" She questioned.

"Your brothers will kill him— on terrace. Help him." He tried to speak as much as he could in a breath.

Y/N without thinking for a second ran towards the terrace. She knew only she could stop her brothers.

They will kill him. This was the only thing in her mind.

As she reached up on the terrace she found nobody in her sight. No one was there.

Wtf? She thought to herself.

I'm very sorry for such delay. Thank you for keeping so much of patience.❤️ I'll update faster. I promise. Love you❤️

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