Part 31

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"Y/N, V and JK. In my office. Right now." Seokjin spoke in very cold tone. They looked at each other and Y/N shook her head, saying she knows nothing.

"We're dead." Jk spoke.

"Did you guys do something?" Jimin asked as three youngers stood up to leave.

"No . I guess we didn't." V said.

"Well. It doesn't seem like that. Anyways, Go, don't make him wait." Jimin said. They nodded and left.

They all stood in front of Seokjin's office, thinking whether to knock or wait for him to call them in.

"Hyung just knock." Y/N whispered to V.

"Why me? You knock." V whispered back to JK.

"You're the oldest, you should knock." JK whispered a little loud.

They continued to whisper-yell at each other for another 30-45 seconds when Seokjin voice came from behind the door.

"I can hear you three. Just come in we don't have whole day." He scolded.

"Y/N you are not arguing with him. Alright?" V warned before entering. ofcourse she never answer back but he simply doesn't want Y/N to put herself in any sort of trouble.

Y/N nodded and three of them entered. Seokjin was sitting on his luxurious leather chair behind a huge desk. He scrolling on his phone and paying zero attention towards them.

"Seokjin hyung. You called us." V said in low yet respectful tone.

"Yes. But before I tell my reasons to call you three here, is there anything you want to confess?" Jin said putting his phone on the table and crossing his arms near his chest and glaring at three of them. They were standing few steps away from the desk, in a straight horizontal line. Y/N on the middle, Jk on her left side and V on the right.

Three of them looked at each other, confused. Jk and Y/N shook their heads while looking at V.

"No Hyung. Please you tell us if we did something wrong." V said.

"Okay. Strange. According to me three of you should have confessed this long back. I was waiting for you confession." He said standing up from his chair and walking in front of the desk. He rested his ass on the desk. Crossed his arms and looked at three confused faces.

"I can't waste my time so I'll tell you." He said and took a pause as he saw three of them getting uncomfortable under his gaze.

"Since when did you started to drink Y/N?" He stared at her and their eyes widened in synchronised manner. They knew what he was talking about.

"Hyung it's not her fault. We both-" V tried to defend her but was cut by Seokjin's tongue clicking.

"Tsk. Wait Taehyung. You'll have your turn. I'm sure three of you will have so much explaination to do. Save energy for your turn." He replied.

V immediately shut his mouth. And everybody knows if Seokjin talks to you in this tone, it's better to submit yourself to him rather than behaving like an idiot.

"I can't hear you Y/N." He said glaring at Y/N. She felt a pit in her stomach.

"T-two years Hyung. I'm sorry." She said with her eyes on the floor. Three of them had their heads hung low.

"And you both knew about that since day one?" Seokjin growled a bit. They both just nodded and didn't utter a word.

He stood up and stood near them.

"Eyes up." He ordered calmly. But none of them dared to look up him.

"Why? What happened now? Why can't you look into my eyes? You have been looking straight into my eyes for past 2 fuckin years knowing that you lied to me. To all of your hyungs. And suddenly you feel guilty. Wow such hypocrites you are." Seokjin scolded.

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