Theres No More Air (Chapter 10)

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Unedited (this is a weird chapter)

Harry's POV

I can't breath.

I'm trying but I can't.

It's like having an allergic reaction to air. And it's scary.

I sat on the tile floor, wheezing for air, my curls in a mess, blood still dripping from my mouth.

I could try phoning one of the lads, but I could barely breath, let alone talk. It would be useless and stupid.

So I sat there, with no one to help, with no one to save me.

My throat was swelling and sealing the air from my lungs slowly.
My head was pounding, and I was loosing heat quickly.

It was now to the point where I could only mange, short, quick breaths of air.

I had a small glass of water next to me. I had managed to grab that before my legs gave way, making standing close to impossible.

Cold water would slow down the swelling a little, but I still didn't have enough time.

I had to think of something before breathing was no longer a possibility.

Louis's POV

"Where's my Harreh?" I sniffled, shuffling into the kitchen with the huge fluffy blanket rapped around me.

"He had better things to do then cuddling with you." Niall answered bluntly.

"He means, he had to go home before it got too dark." Liam said quickly, giving Niall a look.

I guess Liam stayed over last night, seeing as how he did barely anything in his life.

"Here's some breakfast Lou," he yawned, pushing a plate of fluffy pancakes towards me. "You can eat these, they're soft enough, just don't have too much sugar- OH, and here's your medicine."

"Wow, thanks mom." I muttered sarcastically.

"Just eat," Liam grumbled.

"IM WATCHING THE TELLY!" Niall yelled, making my head pound.
"I'll go do that too, eat your medicine Louis," Liam said, giving me a look.

I sighed when they walked out, shoving the pancakes in my mouth.

(12:30pm, Louis's Flat that Niall basically lives in)
The morning was slow.

I sat in the living room with Liam and Niall, watching the third season of Pretty Little Liars.

Niall keeps insisting that As Hanna's mum, but I'm just going with whatever.

"I'm gonna make some more popcorn," Liam said, standing up from the couch and stretching out his arms.

"Ok!" Niall yelled, even though Li was still in the room.

"Hay, isn't that Harry's?"

I turned to see Harry's jacket on the counter beside the door.

"Oh ya, I'll drop it off later," Niall offered.

"Ok," Liam nodded, "I'll text him, just to let him know later."


"WADDYA LOSERS WANT FOR LUNCH?" I screamed to the two sitting on the couch, still watching the TV show.

We had the full seasons on Netflix, so we're on a roll.


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