Authors note

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This isn't a chapter, it's just something's you might want to know before you read this.

Hello, so this is my first story, keep mind that I only started writing barely more than a month ago so...
Somethings this story don't have,
-Amazing grammar. Do mind my grammar, I have a feeling there might be some hiccups allover the place.
-Swearing, I'm not one to swear, although I know normal people do tend to. But don't expect any foul language.
-And remember I'm kinda only 12 so expect the expected.
I would love some tips, advise, comments about how to make my rubbish like writing better. So please, if you could, leave something in the chatter box.
I really hope I can get better and become a better writer, but we can only hope for the best.
Really hope you enjoy xx

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