Darks Storms (Chapter 13)

713 31 14


Third Person




"Ooomf," Harry stumbled forward, tripping over someone's foot, before falling flat on his face.

"Oh dear," Louis chuckled, extending a hand to help the younger boy up. "Your face ok?" Harry nodded, rubbing his forehead for any bumps. "I'm good."

"LIAM'S MAKING HOT CHOCOLATE!" Niall screamed, bursting into the room, dumping all his bags and bought items onto the floor.
"Why did you feel the need to dump your stuff like that?" Louis groand, massaging his forehead.

"Niall stop stepping on my toe!" Zayn whined, looking up from his iPhone for the first time in the last half hour.
Niall dig his heel into Zayn's foot, earning a yelp and a smack on the head, from the black quaffed boy.

"Hot chocolates here!" Liam announced, holding a try with five steaming mugs of the hot, foamy, chocolate beverage.

"HOT CHOCOLATE!" Niall screamed, pushing past everyone, and stumbling up to Liam before carefully taking his drink.

"Don't drink too quickly," Liam tried to warn the bleached blond boy, "it's still really-" too late.

"UGAGHUOWAH!" Niall screamed, mouth full of hot chocolate. Louis chuckled as Niall danced around, mug still in hand, fanning his open mouth.
Some of the hot drink spilt and landed with a, splash on his left foot.

"OWWWWWWWWWWW!" Niall screamed again, as Zayn rolled his eyes and Harry looked worried.

"Oh dear," Liam muttered, finally stepping forward, "let's go clean you up."
Grabbing Niall's wrist, he dragged him into the kitchen, setting down the mug and giving the boy some ice for his foot.

"Well," Louis smiled, clapping his hands together. "Let's set up the beds, shall we?"

Unfortunately, being use to only having very few guests, (one) Louis and the boys could only find three mattresses. Well actually only two, but the foldable couch was forgotten about until Niall "accidentally" landed on it too hard, and caused the spring to shoot forward, unfolding it.

"You should should be thanking me, not glaring." Niall huffed, poking a glaring Louis's head. "YOU COULD HAVE BROKEN MY COUCH!" He yelled, frustrated. Niall simply shrugged, skipping off to find extra blankets.

"K, we only have three bed spaces, who's sharing?" Liam asked, walking into the room with an arm full of pillows.

"I'm not sharing with any of you," Zayn quickly called, jumping on the smallest mattress.

"Well, I'll share with Harry, Louis rolls around too much," Liam added, dragging Niall onto the mattress next to Zayn.

Louis stuck his tung out at Liam, turning to Niall. "You snore," he said to Niall, and Niall gasped in fake offense. "How dare you!"


After setting the beds up, they all sat around the telly and played Mario cart.

Louis smacked Niall on the back of the head for the fiftieth time in the last ten minuets.

"I could have won!" Louis whined, pouting. Niall simply shrugged, grabbing for the chips on the opposite side of a grumpy Louis.

"Ok lads, what time is it?" Liam asked, setting down his gaming controller.
"Uh, 11:40," Zayn muttered, slumped back in the pillows, scrolling through his phone.

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