In The End (Chapter 14)

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I'm not even gonna lie when I say I have been dodging and ignoring this book to the best of my ability. Like, two months thanks. I just threw away every, "try hard" to make this story good, and I'm going with whatever. Also, more new story info at the end so read that, and ya.

Thanks for sticking around, I know I'm an awful person for doing this. ;)

Louis' POV

The cold, boney hand quickly retracted, my heart beating so loud it was like a thousand elephants running across your roof. Not raccoons, elephants.

I wanted to turn around- scratch that, I didn't. I didn't want to see the "thing," the person, the "it" who had literally just grabbed my shoulder, and is now the reason why I'm quaking in my imaginary boots. I could hear it shuffling behind me, and slowly, I turned as discretely as I could.

Longish dark hair, broad shoulders, but a thing body structure, which didn't make much sense. Only out of the corner of my eye, was I able to catch a moving shadow.

My heart was racing, what should I do? Who was in our house, and why? I didn't own anything valuable, unless a 9 years old and still working toaster counts.

I suppose I had zoned out from the serious matter at hand, because the next thing I new, the lights were being flipped on and someone was holding someone else down.

My eyes widened, face blanching as white was a sheet when the figure who was struggling and currently being held down was Harry.

Dark angry eyes of the person holding a struggling Harry down, locked with mine for a split second, before dragging the curly boy with it.

Liam stood staring, half asleep but still had eyes wide with shock. Poor lad must have been up to get a drink of water, instead coming back face to face with a kidnapping right in front of us both.

"Holy sh-"

"GRAB THEM!" I screamed suddenly, surprising myself, but quickly obeying to my own order that was never intended to be yelled.

Running towards the two dark figures, the lady had her arm around Harrys neck as she tried to escape, gave up on the door a smashed down my precious window with a freaking vase, dragging the whimpering boy along with her.

Taking the door, because I know how to use them, I ran at full speed down the flat steps, trying to wrap my head around how on earth, a simple friendly gathering for Christmas turned into a sudden chase with Harry being dragged away.

Liam was running behind me, we were catching up fast. Trying to run with a 79 foot boy dragging you down is harder then some may think.

I was completely taken aback when sudden gunshots rang out, splitting through the night sky. Everything was completely silent for a few seconds.

"Where on earth did she get a gun?" Liam gasped, finally catching up to where I stood, frozen from the loud, ear splitting crack.

However, it wasn't the lady who was dragging Harry away carrying the gun, it was a man who looked familiar in someway, holding the weapon in the air after firing what seemed like a warning shot.

Both adults ducked away into the shadows, before a large white van drove out, tires screeching as it speeding away into the night.

"What, was that?" Liam gaped, I don't blame him though. This entire scenario that just went down, could most literally be something pulled from a poorly written comic strip. I could feel my knees grow weak, letting my entire body fall limply to the ground.

Liam quickly crouched down to my hight, still looking at where the van had just been seconds ago. "Who were they?"

"I-I don't know," my voice was shaking, shaking a lot. The adrenaline was wearing off, now I felt weak, unable to lift myself from where I sat, crumpled.

"Let's call the police," Liam suggested, pulling out his iPhone. I could hear him tapping at buttons on the screen, before holding it to his ear.

Who was that lady? What did she want with Harry? Everything had just happened so quickly, there was nothing to do. No way to react, no plans to make.

You know that feeling when, you wake up in the middle of the night to some boney hand on your shoulder, then one of your best friends suddenly get kidnapped, and it's only a few days before Christmas and it also so happens Christmas is also the same day as your birthday? Ya? I know, that feeling sucks.

"They'll be here in a few minuets, how about we start heading back to the flat?" Liam spoke, his hand on my shoulder as he started lifting me off the groud. I could only nod as we slowly made our way back to the flat, my legs shaking so much it was hard to walk properly.

"Hey," Liam mumbled, "just breath, we'll find him, we've got the police and Niall and I'll try and round up a search team, it's gonna be ok."

But despite Liam's words of attempted comfort, nothing felt like it was going to be ok, not everything was in the end.

End of part one.

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