Don't Throw Plates At Burglars (Chapter 12)

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A/N: I just wanted to quickly say thank you to @blondetail , your comments just make my day, and I'm so happy that I have a person like you reading my story! ❤️


Louis's POV

I quickly shut the door to keep the cold out, a Harry tucked under my arm.

"Let's go show you the guest room," I suggested, pulling him along with me.

"Is Niall here?" He asked timidly, as we shuffled down the hall.

"Ya, but he sleeps like a cow, so don't worry about waking him up." I muttered, smiling when Harry giggled quietly.

"How do cows sleep?"

"I dunno," I shrugged, having no idea, whatsoever, how cows really do sleep. "Uh, like a log I guess...?"

Harry giggled again, causing me to look down at him. "What's so funny?"

"Logs don't sleep."

"Oh shut up you!" I lightly hit one of his curls, making it bounce off of his face.
"But you said I didn't need to worry about talking!" He argued, still smiling.

"Whatever," I huffed, opening the guest rooms door.

It was a nice room, I must say. That's probably only because Liam designed it, with the help of Niall of course, but he only sat on the side eating chips.

The room had a soft, light, forest green covering the walls, and a large window with light, green curtains draped over it. The bed was placed at the far end of the room, with similar green bed sheets, green cushions of different shades, but some blue was added to the mix. A bedside table, a lamp, and some other jazz was thrown around to look nice, but all in all, it was a pretty room.

"I like it," Harry breathed, his eyes flickering around the room, taking it all in.

"Good, there's a shower down the hall to your left, and my rooms actually across from here, Niall's a few doors down to the right, so if you need anything, just knock." He nodded, and slowly made his way to the dresser.

"Right, right," I muttered. "You'll probably need something else other then that to wear, so I'll lend you some clothes until we can drop by your place to pick some up."

"Lou, I don't want to cause you any trouble by staying here," Harry started slowly, "I do have a home and I could just-"

"Harry, it's fine, I don't want you going back there, it's too cold and you could get sick easily." I interrupted quickly. "Plus, I get lonely without Niall when he's, either, going to Liam's, or getting drunk." Harry laughed, and I just took that as a, "sure-I'll-stay-Louis-I'd-never-think-of-anything-other-then-so-again."

"Alrighty then," I chuckled, "TO BED WITH YOU!" He giggled, quickly scrambling to his queen sized bed.

"I'll be back in a sec, just grab something for you to wear for the night," I said before stepping back into the hallway.

Quickly walking to my room, I grabbed an oversized, light green shirt with some large, blue and grey flannel, pajama bottoms.

Going back to Harry's room, I saw he was readjusting the pillows on the bed.

"Hey," I said, walking into the room. "We can go buy some stuff for this room sometime tomorrow or on Wednesday," I suggested, looking around, "well, that is if you want to stay here longer." I quickly added. I didn't want to freak him out by already suggesting him "living" here, when he did already have his own flat.

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