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((I'll delete this later))

I am so sorry this isn't an updates guys, but I was reading through some of this book, and I was thinking,

"Wow, I have no idea what I'm doing."

To be completely honest with you, I kinda want to re-write this. I messed so many parts up, and I just want to go back and fix them.

I liked a little bit, like the beginning, and some other chapters, but NOT any I've written recently.

I've got like, 6 other books in my privet writing library, and I was thinking,

How about I go ahead and clean some stuff up, maybe post another book, and see how it goes?

I won't re-write, or delete anything, I'm just a little stuck. I'm also writing this story called, "Invisible Boy" showing Harry's back ground in this story, so I'll probably post some of that in time.

Thank you all so much for reading this book, I love you all, and it shocks me that I've almost got 1k reads!

I really, really do love, every single person reading this, comment your opinion,

-Trevour xx

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