A Couple Of Lilac's Siblings!😇💖

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So I was bored this morning and one of my great friends powxbash suggested I make Lilac a family. So I made Lilac two siblings, but she's gonna have an older and younger brother. Both the siblings I made so far are girls tho. Hair they are with their older sis!

 Hair they are with their older sis!

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Yes I added myself in there. 😎💖 I wanted to show y'all the cousin resemblance between me, Lilac, and her sister's!😇💖 So the baby she is holding is named Liberty and the little girl next to her is Legacy. Legacy is shy around new people and she likes bunnies. Liberty sometimes likes to be noisy, but is mostly calm.

Anywho that's them. I'll post Lilac's siblings later on and show you Mason! Actually while your here I'll show you now! Hair ya go!

 I'll post Lilac's siblings later on and show you Mason! Actually while your here I'll show you now! Hair ya go!

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There he is with Lilac! He's in a wheel chair cause he got his leg badly injured in soccer. He'll get his cast removed and walk again in a few months or so. 😇💖

Anywho that's them! Hope you like it! Baiii amazing people!!😇💖🥺


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