Need To Rant

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Hai y'all. So found out that I have less then 3 weeks before I go to school and I'm NOT looking forward to it! And I have a LONG list of reasons why! So I need to rant. You don't have to read this if you don't want to.

1. Directions - I've only been in my High School for a few weeks before I went virtual, then I went one last time for my Algebra EOC. And it was horrifying! I couldn't find my way around the school, I stayed at the library too long cause I couldn't hear the bus dismissed announcements, I went to the wrong side of the school to get on my bus only to find that my bus was on the OTHER side! I nearly missed the bus because I didn't know my way around!

2. Exhaustion - When your first learning your way around, your gonna get REALLY exhausted! One day before I went full virtual, one of my teachers sent me to the office to pick up something, but when it came time for me to find my way back to my class I got lost! I walked into someone else's classroom and was humiliated! I'm just grateful they were understanding! And the hallways at my school are SO long! I have flipping asthma and I can only walk for so long before I get exhausted!

3. Bullying - You guest it! More bullying! By who? Two girls older than me! I was in Gym and had just finished doing the pacer test, so I was REALLY exhausted because of my asthma, so I had a water bottle and was drinking water like crazy because of exhausted I was and I was breathing REALLY hard and loud! I was having a REALLY hard time catching my breath! My breathing had slowed down a little when two girls next to me, raised their hands to the teacher. And when the teacher called on them they pointed DIRECTLY at me in front of EVERYONE and said "Can she move? She has asthma." And of course because of my asthma I didn't have the energy to argue at them and tell them that they hurt me because I could barely breath, let alone speak! So I didn't say anything even though I was humiliated. I've had asthma for as long as I can remember and its always been really hard to what others can do without problems. I can't run for very long, or play soft ball without my asthma acting up. I try not to run unless I have to because I'm afraid of what people will think of me. So I have enough problems already with that, but to see people make fun of me for my health condition really hurts! I didn't ask to be born with this! I wanna do the things everyone else can do without having to take an inhaler or stopping after short periods of time! I get that asthma is an underlying health condition for Covid so I get that the girls didn't want Covid. But there are easier ways to tell someone to move then to embarrass them in front of the whole class! They could've just called me to talk to them privately and tell me to please move! I would've understood!

4. Cafeteria - There are so many things you have to get used to when you start high school! For one thing you don't get to eat with most of your friends at lunch anymore because in high school all the grades are mixed together at lunch! It's not like 9th grade eats together, then 10th grade eats together, and so on! Every grade is blended up! And I've ALWAYS ate lunch with people that are close to my own age or ARE my own age! Im fine if their younger, but I get scared when their older than me. Its not like it is on Wattpad because I'm behind a screen. I've never met anyone in person so I don't feel like their judging me. Anyway with the way the school has the lunch schedule I can't eat with my friends. I had to eat lunch alone because none of my friends had the same lunch period as me.🥺😭

5. Loneliness - So you already know why I'm lonely in the cafeteria but there are other things that make me lonely. A lot of my friends moved over the summer and the ones that are at school with me, I don't have any classes with them. So I'm forced to watch everyone who has all their friends with them laugh together and talk and have fun.

6. Adjustments - In high school there are a lot of things you need to adjust to. Your in a new place full of teachers and students you hardly know. And not knowing a lot of the people makes me feel uncomfortable. Like I'm being watched and judged by everyone there. Furthermore in high school your schedule only has four classes (unless you count homeroom cause then it's five) You'd think that having four classes would be easier then having 7 like I had in middle school. Well thats where your wrong! Classes in high school are longer then the ones in middle! It's too much! And unlike middle school, in high school you don't have  recess! The closet thing you get to recess is if you have gym and your teacher takes you outside!

So those are most of my dislikes and worries about high school. I really don't wanna go when it comes time for school to start again...🥺🥺 But I don't have a choice. Anyways hope your doing better than I am. Baii!!🥺🥺💖💖

EsmeraldLovesBroppy 🥺💖😭

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