That's a surprise (1/2)

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"I am going to kidnap one of the Avengers", Loki whispered, standing up. He smiled evily. He finally had a plan, and he was coming for them.

I groaned while I rolled over on my bed in the Avengers Tower. The others were gone, going on a mission because some robot at the other end of the state was going bonkers.
"You have to guard the Tower", I mimicked Tony's last instruction in a high pitched voice. "Loki is not out of the world."
Well, that was another problem. I was a relatively new Avenger and I knew that in case of an attack I would barely be able to defend the Tower alone. Plus, Loki.
I had developed a crush on him. At first I fought it, I mean he was the enemy, and I couldn't tell any of the other Avengers. But as the days passed ... I didn't know if Loki did it on purpose, but the harder I concentrated to not think of him the worse my crush got. So bad that he was the last person I thought of before sleeping and the first after waking up. I constantly felt like I was dying of thirst.
I rolled on my back again and stared at the ceiling. If I couldn't participate on the mission and I was alone, I might as well do what I wanted. I switched on the tv in my room and searched for Loki pov's on YouTube.
Talk dirty to me, said the first one. A smile crept up on my face and I watched it. Still with a feeling of guilt in my tummy, but with a feeling of release too. It was so good to see his face.

Loki made his way to the Avengers Tower. He had heard that they were out of town, but he knew that the Tower never was unguarded. One of them would be in there.
He disguised himself as a security person and went in without any problems. Loki rode in the elevator and stepped into the hallway.

Meanwhile, I had watched a few more pov's. Now I was watching a song edit and sung along.
"I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it! Oh hell Loki, you look amazing. Sex in the air, I don't care I love the smell of it! Damn, why are you so hot."
I didn't hear the steps coming up to my room. I just kept on fangirling and gave up singing at some point, letting my feelings run free.
"Lokiiii", I whined. "Why do you have to be the enemy. Why. I like you so much, you are funny, and beautiful, and witty, and everything ..."
"Well that's a surprise", a voice came from my door.
I jerked and looked at who was standing there. Loki leaned with one shoulder at my doorframe, arms crossed and his glittering eyes watching me.
I shrieked and fell off the bed. After a moment I jumped up again and desperately searched the covers for the remote. "Where is it, where where where ...", I said and my face went redder with every second the video kept playing.
"Are you searching for this?", Loki said and I looked up to see him spinning the remote in his hand.
I stared at him in shock, took a step towards him but didn't dare to go any further. "Please give it back. Or turn it off. Please."
"But it is so interesting to see what you are watching", he responded smirking and slowly walked inside the room, looking at the tv.
I whimpered as he watched a few more seconds and I decided to back off to the bed. Then he switched it off. I sighed in relief until he walked towards me again.
"That really is a surprise", he smiled mischievously.
Suddenly he was much closer to me than I ever expected him to become. He lifted my head with one finger under my chin and my heart beat faster. I was sure my cheeks were glowing now.
"Do you lose your cool that easily?" More Loki's popped up around me, and if my knees could get any weaker, they did.
"No, it's ... it's just you", I breathed. "Can I ..." I closed my eyes. "Would you ... I mean, do you want to go on a date with me?"
I kept my eyes closed and heard him chuckle. The other Loki's let their fingers slide over my shoulders and around my waist.
"I am here to kidnap you", he said with that velvet voice, and I heard the smirk still playing on his lips.
"Is that a yes?", I responded.
"Maybe", he snickered. "Aren't you afraid of me?"
I opened my eyes to look into his green ones. "No."
A dagger appeared in his hand.
I eyed it. "Well, a little bit."
He laughed while I admired his face. The other Loki's disappeared. I felt his breath on my skin and stood still in the closeness I craved for so long. He looked down onto my lips. My eyes went big. Did he want to kiss me?
But he took a step back. "Follow me outside, dear."
I obeyed, although a little disappointed.
"Is seven o'clock at the Italian restaurant down the street okay?", he asked as we went out my door.
"What?", I said confused.
"For the date", he answered.
I beamed and my tummy tingled. "Yes", I squeaked. "Yes, it is!"
He chuckled as we went down the hallway to the elevator. And my steps were a little more skippy than usual.

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