Temperature (1/2)

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"I want to kill", I say.

Loki raises his eyebrows at me from the sofa across the living room. "What?"

I stare disgruntled at the carpet in the middle of the Avengers Tower. "I am angry today, and I don't know why, and that makes me even more angry."

A smirk appears on Loki's face. "Ah, I know that feeling."

I don't say anything, I just continue fighting the moody thoughts of murder in my head.

Loki still eyes me from head to toe. "You know", he continues with a more velvety voice, "how about a nice cooling? We could shower."

Small butterflies mix into the grudge in my belly. "We?"

Loki's eyes sparkle as he watches me blush a little. He puts his book to the side and stretches his arms over his head. "Yes."

I open my mouth and close it again, and as much as the thought excites me, I can't cope with his satisfied expression. "Keep on dreaming, Laufeyson."

Loki giggles and looks back into his book. "As you wish."

I try not to smile too much and go back to staring into the void. So he did notice over the last weeks that I liked him. Well, how could he not, he notices every small detail, and so he noticed my shy flirts and small blushes. And now he teases me about it, of course. God of mischief.

I sit there for a while. Then I can't help it anymore. I get up and go to the door.

"So no collective shower?", Loki asks puppy-eyed.

I don't answer. I leave, get two towels, return to the living room and throw one of the towels at him.

He looks at me and smiles. "I knew you wanted it."

I badly suppress a smirk. "Shut up and come with me before the others see us."

Loki grins wider, gets up in no time and opens the door for me. "After you."

I can't help but giggle as I walk through. My heart starts to pound very fast as we silently walk down the hallway, Loki's heavy steps next to me.

I am going to shower with Loki. Oh my god.

Maybe all that was a prank? Is he going to laugh at me if we arrive? Will Tony wait in the bathroom to take a picture of my embarassed face to post on Facebook?

Before I can voice the angsty thoughts, Loki holds the door to the bathroom open for me, and as I step through, nobody is there. Loki closes the door behind us and turns around to me.

Two wrinkles appear on his forehead. "You look worried, darling."

"I am just nervous", I breathe. "I ... never did something like this before. And you are ... hmm ... hot." My face immediatly flushes.

Loki laughs and actually sounds a little evil. "Well, you are about to have fun with the God of mischief, with the temptation itself. Of course you are nervous."

I roll my eyes, but can't quite shake off the nervousness.

As I don't answer, his expression softens. "I wont do anything you don't want."

I nod in relieve. "Okay", I murmur and my glance wanders over his chest. I want to see how it looks without the armour ...

Loki's eyes sparkle more than ever since we left the living room. Maybe it is too easy to read my mind. "I can undress first if that makes you more comfortable."

I nod again, a bit too fast. A mischievous smirk flashes over his face.

I wait, but Loki doesn't move. His glance is focused on my face and occasionally wanders to my lips. I feel like I am burning under it. The green shine of his magic appears, but instead of quickly changing his clothes, it winds slowly around him. I can watch as his armour dissolves in green and golden glitter particles that hover in the air for a moment and then vanish. Bit for bit of his chest is visible, and I can't help but stare at every new centimeter of his skin.

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