Chapter 7: Scavenger Hunt

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Hey! Sorry to disturb but before we get started with this chapter I just wanted to clarify something in case you were wondering. I never established the time frame of when you came to Camp Campbell, but some of you might have figured it out. You came somewhat right after Foreign Exchange Campers (that's how they knew Space Kid's name since Foreign Exchange Campers was after Parents Day). I just wanted to clarify since this chapter's whole reasoning is because of Foreign Exchange Campers. Thank you! Continue reading!


*(y/n)'s POV:*


I was freaking out about what happened with Max about 10 minutes ago.

He saw me shirtless...and why did he have to say what he did!?...god this day can't get any worse...

I'm sitting down at a table by myself, food in front of my face but not eating it. I exhale...trying to calm myself so I don't over stress myself and start crying.

Why does it have to keep playing in my head over and over and OVER AGAIN!?

"He said... he could've just keep laughing at my shirtless body..." I let my head fall, my forehead resting against the edge of the table.

What the hell do you mean, Max!? Like it's something to laugh at!? Like it's not good enough for you!?

I close my eyes, take a breath in for 1
...2 ...3 ...4. Hold for 1...2...3 ...4 ...1 ...2,
...3 ...4. Breath out for 1...2...3...4...1... 2... 3... 4.

At least I'm not on the brink of tears but I'm still upset.

"Hey (y/n)! You know what happened with Max??" I look up to see Nikki sitting across from me.

"Uh yeah that might've been my fau- wait what happened with Max?" I realize mid-sentence.

"Well he was just, like, super duper upset! Well...more than he usually is. He looked really...not regular Max upset." Nikki tried to explain.

I cannot understand what she's trying to get at but somehow I also do?

"But do you know anything??" Nikki questioned me.

"Uh, um yeah kinda..." I say, dejected because I remember I just yelled at him.

"Ooooh!!! What happened!? Did he meet up with a secret lover and you caught him in the act!?" She jumps up and down in her seat trying to guess.

"What??? Uh- no that wasn't it. I migh-" Nikki cuts me off.

"Or mabye YOU were the secret lover and you and Max got caught by Quartmaster!?!?" Nikki's eyes sparkled at the thought.

"WHAT??? NO! I MEAN I-I DON'T EVEN THINK-WE'RE NOT LOVERS! WHAT THE HELL KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT!?" My face gets red as I aggressively shake my head.

I mean he's cute and all but I definitely don't think he even likes guys! Yeah, sure he's really cool and I really want to find out what he's protecting behind the walls he's built around him but that doesn't mean I like him..right!?

As my brain melts from all my thoughts, Nikki gasped.

"So THAT'S what happened!" She exclaimed.

"What happened?" I ask her, confused on how she knows.

"When you woke up this morning and started to change, that's when Max came in to wake you up per David's request. BUT your shirt got stuck so you had nothing covering you so Max caught you shirtless, he laughed at you, you got upset because you felt insecure and yelled at him and now both of you feel like the other hate you. Come on, come on! Am I right!? AM I!?" Nikki was hanging off my collar...literally.

NOPE, NOPE, NOPE (Max x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now