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Sorry I haven't updated in this story for over a week! I just couldn't bring myself to write it for some reason and then my parents started cutting down on my Internet use and other crazy stuff. But anyway, here's a new chapter. I kind of hate it but whatever.

Chapter 3

Anthony's POV

Why is he refusing to tell me? I've never seen him like this before! I know he's upset but he's not treating me like how a good boyfriend should. If I was in his position I would be pouring my heart out to him. Okay that just sounds really dumb. But I just can't deal with the thought of Ian hiding stuff from me. Especially if it's bothering him this much.

Anthony was lying on his back on the bed that he shared with Ian. He always came here to think when he was alone. He would never admit it out loud but he loved breathing in Ian's familiar scent whenever he laid down on it. It helped to calm him down.

Ian, I love you but I can't help you unless you're open with me! Anthony groaned in frustration as he tried to figure out what to do. Then he remembered what Kristin had said about calling her and decided he would. He sat up and reached for his phone on the bedside table. The phone rang twice before she picked up.

Kristin: Hello?

Anthony: Hey Kristin, it's Anthony. You know, from earlier.

Kristin: Oh hi Anthony! I didn't expect you to call me this soon.

Anthony: Yeah it's just that I could really use someone to talk to right now.

Kristin: Well…I'm not working at the moment. Do you want to meet up or something?

Anthony: Right now?

Kristin: If that's okay with you.

Anthony: Yeah that sounds perfect. Do you want to meet in the park?

Kristin: The one really close to the pizza place?

Anthony: That's the one. Ian and I used to go there all the time!

Kristin: Sounds like a plan. See you in a bit.

Anthony: See ya!

As soon as he hung up the phone he rushed to fix his hair and put on a jacket. He was just about to open the front door when Ian appeared behind him.

"Where are you going?" Ian asked. "You're not mad at me are you?"

"It's not that," Anthony sighed. "I've just gotta do something but I'll be back soon."

"Who were you on the phone to?" Ian asked suspiciously. "I swear I heard you talking to someone."

"Ian don't worry about it, seriously," Anthony said as he brushed his lips against Ian's cheek. "You just get some rest and I'll see you later."

"Anthony it's only 4 o'clock. Why would I need to get some rest at this time of day?" Ian asked him. He was so confused.

"Just do it," Anthony repeated himself. "Today has been stressful and I want you to feel better."

"Okay," Ian said, still unsure about what Anthony meant exactly. But he couldn't help smiling slightly; Anthony really did act like a protective mother sometimes. He moved in to give Ian a quick hug before opening the door.

"I'll see you later," Anthony said as he closed the door without a backwards glance.

The park was so close by that he didn't even have to drive there. And he liked walking, he just didn't do it often enough. The fresh air was definitely welcome after all the hours he usually spent cooped up inside editing a video or something. Once he got to the park, he sat at the top of the yellow slide and waited for Kristin.

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