The big reveal

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A/N: Well it's been a while hasn't it? I wasn't really sure how I was gonna write this. Hopefully it's alright. Maybe I could have done better but I don't know. I always get paranoid that I've written a bunch of crap anyway so I'll shut up now.

After playing Nintendo Land for about an hour, Ian and Anthony were just relaxing together on the couch.

"See, I told you the Wii U is fun," Anthony said happily.

"Yeah yeah Nintendo fanboy," Ian teased him.

"I'm a fanboy for a good reason!" Anthony argued. "They have amazing games and have been around for ages and are way more original than stupid Microsoft."

"Bitch, you did not just go there!" Ian said as he crossed his arms in annoyance.

"Oh yes I did," Anthony taunted him. "I would much rather play Legend of Zelda than Halo. It's way more awesome and that's a fact."

"Sure it is," Ian dismissed him. "You just stick to your little kiddie games and let the grown-ups play our own games."

"You're forgetting that I'm older than you," Anthony laughed.

"Only by two and half months!" Ian said defensively.

"Aw, my little baby Ian!" Anthony grinned whilst pulling Ian into a bear hug.

"Honestly Anthony," Ian complained as he tried to get out of Anthony's grasp.

He pretended to hate it when Anthony teased him like this but the truth is that he actually enjoyed it. It reminded him of why they started dating in the first place. Relationships like theirs don't come by too often and they tried to make the most of it.

"Hey, you're not leaving," Anthony said before pulling him in for a kiss. Ian immediately relaxed against him as he felt Anthony's soft lips press against his own. Their lips moved together in slow harmony before Anthony pulled away.

"Hey, why did you stop?" Ian protested. "That kiss was so short."

"I'm sorry it's just that I can't stop thinking about what you said before," Anthony replied as he rubbed his neck in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Ian asked him.

"I just want to know what you were talking about when you said I don't know everything about your past," Anthony said. Ian just sighed deeply when he heard this. He knew it was time. He couldn't avoid it forever. "I'm sorry. I don't want to force you into it."

"Don't worry Anthony," Ian replied. "I need to tell you this anyway so I might as well do it now." Ian paused for a moment before he began to tell him the truth.

"Before I met you I was bullied a lot," Ian began slowly. "I know I already told you that before, didn't I?"

"Yeah you did," Anthony nodded his head and waited for him to continue. "You never really told me what happened though."

"Well, it started off with just simple name calling," Ian continued. "I could deal with that, it's what kids do anyway. But then it started getting worse. No one ever wanted to sit next to me because I was the unpopular fat kid. People didn't want to talk to me because then they'd get the same treatment. I was always on my own. I thought I had real friends that I could count on but they just abandoned me. It eventually moved onto more physical stuff. I was constantly being shoved into the walls when I was walking down the hallway. They used to steal my lunch and stamp on it right in front of me. They used to always tell me that I didn't need my lunch because I had enough fat to live off. It hurt a lot, but I always tried to keep my hopes up because I thought things would get better. I guess I was wrong." Ian started shaking slightly as he remembered some of his darkest memories. Anthony had to wrap his arm even tighter around him in attempt to calm him down.

"Ian, it's okay," Anthony murmured in his ear. "You don't have to tell me all of it just yet if it's hurting too much."

"I'm fine, don't worry about me," Ian told him. He took a deep breath before continuing with his story. "That wasn't really the main problem anyway."


Ian ran up the stairs and straight to his room. He slammed the door shut and slid down to the floor with tears streaming down his face.

"I can't take it anymore," he whimpered. "I've always tried to be nice to people and now I can't even have one peaceful day anymore."

"IAN HECOX!" Ian trembled as he heard his dad's loud footsteps approaching his bedroom door. He dived under his bed just before his dad burst in.

"Where are you, you fat piece of shit?!" he yelled as he scanned the room. He heard sniffling coming from underneath the bed and he pulled back the covers to reveal a ten year old boy shaking in fear.

"Please don't hurt me dad!" Ian pleaded as he looked at him through watery eyes.

"Why are you back from school early? You think I would let you get away with it?!" his dad seethed with anger as he dragged Ian out by his wrist.

"I'm sorry!" he wailed as his dad kicked him in the stomach repeatedly.

"Your mother and I provide you with food and clothes and you repay us by bunking off school?"

"It wasn't like that I swear!" Ian cried out as his dad slapped him across the face.

"I didn't ask for your explanations! Just remember this, whatever they do to you at school, you fully deserve it," he spat out at Ian before walking out of his room. An overwhelming sense of pain and wooziness overcame him before he passed out on his bedroom floor.

Ian woke up about three hours later, aching all over. The house was completely quiet because his mom was out and his sister was still at school. He managed to drag himself off the floor and looked in his parent's bedroom just to check where his dad was and was only slightly surprised to find all of his dad's things missing.

"So, he finally moved out just like he said he would," Ian said to himself.

*End flashback*

"The bullying mainly started with my dad. He used to always tell me that I was a disappointment and that I should be more like my older sister. Somehow he managed to hide it from my mom and I didn't want to say anything to her because I was scared of him, you know," Ian said as he rubbed his eyes. "When I told him about what was happening at school he just laughed and told me I deserved it. Then when I ran home from school that day he beat me up. I was the reason he left home in the first place and I'll never forgive myself for that."

"Ian…" was all Anthony could manage to say before bursting into tears.

"Anthony you never cry. What's wrong?" Ian asked him as he saw the tears streaming down Anthony's face. He was usually so controlled; he couldn't actually remember the last time he had seen him cry.

"It's sad dammit!" Anthony cried as he covered his face with his hands. "You shouldn't have had to go through all of that and you shouldn't blame yourself for your dad moving out. He moved out because he's an asshole, not because of anything you did."

"Anthony, he used to always tell me that he was leaving as soon as he got the chance just to get away from me. He hated me and that's that," Ian shook his head at the memories.

"I really wish I could have been there for you. I can't believe you kept that all to yourself for so long," Anthony sniffed quietly.

"I had to move on with my life and that was easier once he was gone and I moved schools. I never really had to think about the past once I met you anyway," Ian said.

"Why's that?" Anthony looked over at him.

"You helped me see the best things in life. You made me feel special and like my life had a purpose," Ian whispered. "Even though you had no clue at the time, you saved me Anthony Padilla."

A/N: Thanks for reading/voting/commenting. It's greatly appreciated. But please stop asking me to continue it because it's completely finished and a sequel just wouldn't work with this story.

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