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I finally got to update this today because I got sent home early due to a lot of snow. Yay! *Happy dance* Enjoy :)


Ian and Anthony, along with the rest of the Smosh crew, had been busy filming part of a new Smosh video for nearly the whole day. It was so convenient shooting videos inside their own home; it meant they didn't actually have to go anywhere.

Despite Ian and Anthony not speaking properly, filming hadn't gone too badly. It had been slightly awkward at times but not many other people had noticed anything different. Clearly all those acting lessons that they had done in the past had paid off.

"Do you guys want to get something to eat now that we're done?" Brian, one of the crew members, asked them.

"Yeah sure," Ian and Anthony replied in unison. They both turned round to glare at each other before turning back to face Brian.

"On second thought, if Anthony is gonna be there then I'd rather not," Ian said stiffly before walking off to his room and slamming the door.

"Um…I've got some editing to catch up on anyway," Anthony mumbled. "Maybe next time Brian."

"Okay…?" Brian replied. He had no idea what was going on between Ian and Anthony but he decided it would be best just to leave them to it. No point getting caught up in unnecessary drama. "See you later I guess."

About fifteen minutes later, everyone had packed up and left. They had the house to themselves once again. Anthony felt really uncomfortable being trapped in the house with Ian. The only time they had spoken to each other for the whole day was when it was written in the script. He had no idea how they'd managed to pull that off but they did. In the middle of his thoughts, Anthony's phone started ringing. His ringtone was a stupid Spice Girls song, "Wannabe" for those who are interested. Ian must have set it to that as a joke when he wasn't looking. Anthony let out a tiny giggle before checking the caller ID. Ugh it's Kristin. What the hell does she want now? He rolled his eyes before answering.

Anthony: What?

Kristin: Hi, it's Kristin.

Anthony: I know that.

Kristin: Look, I'm sorry about what I said yesterday. I was just mad because I felt stupid for not knowing you and Ian were dating. Yeah I wanted to go out with you, but I did care about your problem too.

Anthony: Well it doesn't matter now. Ian thinks I cheated on him and I don't even know if we're together anymore.

Kristin: That's awful! I'm so sorry Anthony!

Anthony: Yeah right.

Kristin: I really am! I was being selfish before and I wish I could change what happened.

Anthony: Why were you so willing to help me out anyway? We'd never really spoken properly before yesterday.

Kristin: Because you're cute and I like helping people.


Kristin: Come on, I'm complimenting you here!

Anthony: See, that's what caused so much trouble in the first place. I thought you were just being friendly and it was all innocent which obviously wasn't true. And then Ian showed up at exactly the wrong moment!

Kristin: It's not my fault he didn't let you explain! Have you even tried to talk to him about it since yesterday?

Anthony: …No

Kristin: What? And you wonder why he's still mad?

Anthony: He's been giving me silent treatment so I'm only doing it back! And anyway he's not the only one who got hurt. I've been his best friend for over fifteen years and he didn't believe me! And he couldn't even trust me enough to tell me why he was upset yesterday. Seriously, who does that?

Kristin: He probably would have told you about it, if you just gave him time. It only happened yesterday, remember? Some people need time to think things out by themselves.

Anthony: But we always tell each other everything! Do you know how hard it is to watch someone you love suffer and not be able to do anything about it? It's horrible!

Kristin: Well, he's not gonna open up to you until you explain what really went on yesterday. He still thinks you cheated on him so he's gonna be pretty torn up about it. He needs to know the truth.

Anthony: But…I'm scared.

Kristin: Why? You didn't do anything wrong.

Anthony: What if he still doesn't believe me? Or he doesn't want me back? I don't think I'd be able to take it if that happened.

Kristin: He's not gonna take you back if you don't at least try to tell him what happened. Things aren't gonna get any worse than they are now.

Anthony: I suppose you're right but-

Kristin: No buts. You're gonna tell him. And the sooner the better.

And with that, she hung up. Anthony just sighed with the realisation that what she was saying made sense. But he still wanted some sort of excuse to get out of doing it just yet. Ian could be intimidating sometimes, but Anthony would never admit this out loud because he was meant to be the dominant one in their relationship.

After a figuring out what he wanted to do as a distraction, he texted Brian asking if it was too late to join him. He got an almost instant reply saying "Don't worry, there's still time if you want to come. You can just meet us at Nandos and we'll let the people know that we're expecting on more person." Anthony smiled as he texted his answer back "I'm on my way. I love my chicken :D".

Once he got into the car, Anthony could feel his conscience nagging at him in the back of his mind. "You're only running away from your problems. Stop being a pussy and just talk to him!" Anthony pounded his fist on the steering wheel in response, accidentally honking his horn in the process and scaring off a nearby cat. Normally he would have laughed at something like that but he wasn't in the mood. He plugged his iPhone into the car and put on the Collide With the Sky album. The song "King For A Day" started blasting out of the speakers and he relaxed slightly. Kellin and Vic's screaming vocals were a good way to distract himself from thinking about…Ian. He pulled out of the driveway and started his journey whilst head banging to his favourite loud songs.


*I don't think Nandos is that widespread in America. I looked it up a while ago and apparently it's only available in a few states or something like that. If you aren't familiar with it, it's an amazing chicken restaurant. I love it so much! It's not that great if you're vegetarian though. I'm not American so I just went with that place because I know it well.

*A while ago Anthony tweeted about how he thought the new Pierce the Veil album was awesome so I know for a fact that he listens to them which makes me really happy for some reason xD

*I'll put the song at the side and you should really listen to it! It's awesome and will possbily help you understand Anthony's POV a bit more.

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