I'm Sorry

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Anthony's POV

It was 1 am and Anthony still couldn't sleep. He huffed in annoyance as he turned over in his tangled bed sheets. It was his third night sleeping alone and he still wasn't used to it. He never realised how much he depended on Ian until they started fighting. Sleeping right next to his best friend was comforting in ways that no one else would understand and it was something he had taken for granted over the years. I know we aren't on the best terms right now but I really want him beside me.

After a few more minutes of trying to get to sleep, he got out of bed dressed in just his boxers and crept over to the room he shared with Ian. Well, used to share. He pushed the door open slowly so as not to wake him and couldn't help grinning when he saw Ian. He looked so peaceful and he was hugging the Pikachu plushie that they sometimes used in their videos. It was so adorable.

Anthony tiptoed to the side of the bed and lifted the covers so he could lie down right next to him.

"I really wish I hadn't messed things up," Anthony whispered to himself as he watched Ian's body rise and fall with each breath. "You're so beautiful you know." He reached out to stroke Ian's cheek and couldn't resist kissing it.

"Fuck it," Anthony murmured softly. He wrapped his arms around Ian and moved in even closer. "I don't care if you don't want me to sleep here. I'm holding onto you and never letting go." He pecked Ian's lips softly then rested his head back down on the pillow for some well-deserved sleep.

Ian's POV

Ian opened his eyes groggily and jumped when he saw Anthony lying next to him. He was especially startled by the fact that he couldn't move because his arms were wrapped around him. Why the hell is he in our bed? Especially after what he said yesterday. He was still really pissed off at him so he grabbed Anthony's nose and covered his mouth so he would wake up.

Anthony spluttered a few moments later and his eyes opened wide in shock.

"What the fuck was that for?!" Anthony asked incredulously. "Are you really that childish?"

"Well why the fuck are you in my bed?" Ian shot back at him.

"Our bed," Anthony corrected him. Ian opened his mouth to say something back but Anthony carried on talking anyway. "I couldn't sleep last night."

"So?" Ian asked in an annoyed tone.

"I miss sleeping next to you Ian. We've been together for over three years and this is the first time we've gotten into a proper argument." Anthony explained. He sat up in the bed and Ian did the same.

"Well this is the first time you've acted like an asshole," Ian retorted as he crossed his arms. Anthony was being so annoying right now. Going on about how he missed him when he was the one who fucked up in the first place. Kind of.

"I didn't mean it!" Anthony shouted defensively. "I was upset about you and everything else that's going on and my words came out wrong."

"It sounded like you meant it to me," Ian replied stubbornly. "If that's not what you wanted to say then what did you actually mean?" Ian sighed. He really shouldn't be giving Anthony the chance to speak. What he said yesterday was unacceptable whether it was an accident or not.

"When I said that, I just meant that you shouldn't let yourself get so down about what some dumb haters think," after saying that he looked at Ian. He didn't show any signs of protesting so Anthony continued. "They don't know you the way I do. It's the opinion of the people who love you for who you are that should matter. Not some anonymous person hiding behind a screen."

"But if the fans hate me then what's the point in me even making videos?" Ian asked.

"Those people aren't fans Ian! You can't be a fan of Smosh if you hate half of it, can you?" Anthony wisely pointed out. "You're forgetting about the insane amount of people who love you." Ian just shook his head which made Anthony mad. Ian couldn't see how much he meant to millions of people all around the world and Anthony was extremely angry with the people who had made him think that way.

"Smosh is a comedy channel and you're hilarious! You're funnier than me so automatically you're gonna be the favourite! People don't watch our videos for you or for me. They watch it for both of us because we're a team. We always have been." Anthony spoke with a raw passion in his voice that Ian had never heard before. Does he really love me this much?

"Do you really mean that?" Ian asked him as he stared into his chocolate brown eyes.

"Of course I do," Anthony replied.

"Thank you so much Anthony," Ian said with a warm smile as he moved in to hug him tightly. Anthony wrapped his arms around him protectively and kissed his forehead gently.

"You're so beautiful and if the world can't see it then it's their loss," Anthony whispered before sealing his words with a gentle kiss. In that moment, all of Ian's troubles were forgotten because nothing else mattered more than Anthony and the way he felt.

"I've missed you so much you know," Anthony mumbled as they broke apart to catch their breath.

"I've missed you too but we should probably get out of bed," Ian flashed him a grin before jumping out of bed and leaving Anthony sitting in a daze.

"Why?" Anthony enquired. He had no idea about their plans for the day.

"We're filming lunchtime with Smosh, bitch!" Ian replied before waltzing off to the kitchen.

Anthony's POV

Anthony collapsed back onto the sheets and stared at the ceiling as he remembered something. Wait, he never told me about his past.

A/N: They're finally back together! Woo! Dance partay! Anyway there's gonna be another chapter so don't stop reading just yet. Hopefully the ending will live up to your expectations. :D I always cringe when writing cheesy stuff like this but you seem to like it right?

One more thing, leave your twitter questions in the comments below or message me so I can use them for the next chapter. I'll try and include as many as I can. It will probably be a while before the next chapter is out just to warn you guys.

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