The Canine Warriors

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  I dunno how much time has passed. But when I woke up, the horrid air was gone, but the village still seemed so dark and gloomy.. I heard some of the villagers talking about some sacred wind that had stopped blowing down onto the village. The wind kept the demons and evil spirits away from the village. I let out a small yawn before sitting up, stretching my arms over head before standing up and taking a look around. Ammy and Issun must be up talking to the princess. So, I make my way up to the shrine. Climbing the series of stair cases, I finally made it to the top to see The princess talking to Ammy. 
        "Oh! Jenn! Are you feeling better?" Issun asked as soon as he saw me approach. I nod my head before cracking a small smile
        "Yeah...I feel alot better than I did before."
        "That's good. Oh! This is Princess Fuse. She's lost her dogs, I guess." 
        I knew exactly what he was talking about. The Canine Warriors. There are quite a few of them hidden in the village. The final three are spread throughout Nippon. Lucky, I know the locations of them. One was back in Kimiki Village, one was in Agata forest and the final one is hidden at that sanctuary...I forget what it was called. And 5 of them are hidden in this village. They should be easy to find. I walk up to the Princess with a smile.        
        "It's nice to meet you, ma'am." I said with a small bow. Fuse blinks before smiling. 
        "What strange hair color you have...Is it natural?" She asked, curiosity sparking in her eyes. 
        "Well...It is a long story, really.." I replied, smiling sheepishly as I rub the back of my head. Even If if did tell her, There is no way she would believe a word I say. Though..My mind went back to Waka. I am positive he knows about me. But how much..? 

After leaving the shrine ontop of the village, we set out to find the dogs hidden thoughout the village. The princess gave us this device called the 'Canine Tracker' it'll start spinning rapidly when a dog is nearby. As we approch a small flower garden, the canine tracker started to go crazy. I nudge Ammy gently with my elbow before saying.. "This place looks like it could be bloomed." The white wolf nods before using her tail to draw a circle over the small area, letting the flowers spring back to life. There, standing in front of us was a dog. 
        "What's a dog doing here?" Issun asked. "hm? I think he is trying to say something! Lemme listen carefully. I can understand some animals..  It's wagging it's tail! Bet it's that canine tracker you got there! Hm? What's that?"  As a human, I don't understand dog. But I do know what he is about to say. 
        "Give me food, I am hungry." 
        "Sheesh. We just met it and it's begging for food?! What terrible manners!" 
After giving the dog some meat from my bag, Issun translated what he said to me. 
        "I am full.." The dog's name was Shin. "Now that my stomach is full, I will return to my master." 
        "You hear that, Ammy?!" Issun exclaimed. I watched as the dog bolts off towards the Satomi shrine.  "Can you believe these guys?!" 
Next, we found a trail that lead back into a mini bamboo forest. I paused as I spot a familiar figure on the ground, sleeping. Susano! As we approached, he was moaning and groaning in his sleep. 
        "Uh...Ah...No, No...not that.. By the Gods I vow to..." His mumbling became incoherent. "You won't ever...." More mumbling I couldn't understand. 
        "Hm. It's Susano!" Issun exclaimed. No duh.. I roll my eyes. "He's one tenacious dude. Wonder what he's doing here? I bet he is having a nightmare about getting beat up by monsters. He seems rather frantic. It'd be funny if it weren't so sad.." Suddenly, Susano sprung up onto his feet with a 'Hyuup!'
        "That dream again! Is there no escape!? I thought by coming to the village-" 
        "Hey there, pops! Floundering around in your dreams, too? It must be nice to be able to nap in the middle of the day like that. Greatest warrior ever. my butt!" Issun said, with a smug grin. Susano spun around. 
        "Hm?! Poochie?! And the red head, and little bug too?!" He coughs as if he was trying to clear his throat. "Oh. uh.." He coughs nervously. "Here to disturb my meditation again? Even in my dreams, I am hard at work devising strategies for defeating that crimson something or other. I came here to pray for victory at the Gale Shrine, but.. Lo and behold...the crimson something or other occupies that shrine.. Well, with my invincible sword, there is no need to pray. but.. Mankind's fate rests with me. I must be fully prepared. First, I must sit here and come up with a well thought-up plan." The male then laid back down. "Hm... Now where was I..." 
        "Plan? Yeah right! That's just your excuse to sleep!" I snapped, rolling my eyes and stomping away. What a joke. 

// I hope this chapter was better than before~ I will update as soon as I can! 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2015 ⏰

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