Chapter Two: Settling In. . .

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"Well done, Rivers." Orpheus praised the brilliant scientist. "How long until she regains consciousness?"

"It shouldn't be too long. Approximately thirty seconds."

"Good, make sure you also input her memories from here and send her back to Tobias. I'm pretty sure they miss her."

Raven's eyes shot wide open as her body jerked up so she is now at a seated position. Orpheus enters the room, approaching the dazed and confused individual.

"Welcome back Agent Woods." Orpheus spoke softly.  "How are you feeling?"

Raven swallowed her saliva, feeling quite thirsty. Her body still feels tense but she's able to divert her attention to the familiar face.

"I'm okay." Raven answered hoarsely.

"I need to ask you a couple of questions. I hope that's okay with you."

Raven nodded, waiting for her to speak once again. Orpheus began showing the brunette pictures of her former teammates.

"Do you know who those people are?" Orpheus asked.

"No." Raven answered confidently.

"And what about her? Do you know who she is?" Orpheus asked as she showed a picture of  Wanda on the screen. She observes the brunette intently, waiting for her answer.

"No." Raven uttered with no emotion.

"Good. Now one last thing before we send you back to Tobias." Orpheus said, showing her the final picture. "Do you know what this is?"

Raven diverted her attention toward the screen. She tilts her head, gawking at the picture on the screen.

"The mind stone."

"Do you know where this is located?"


"Good. That'll be all." Orpheus smiled to herself, feeling victorious. "I'll leave you to it. Rivers will be back to do last minute check ups before we could let you go back to Tobias and Octavia."

Raven nodded, looking at her feet. Orpheus began to leave but stopped.

"Oh, and Agent Woods, welcome back."

Raven smiled in return before watching the woman leave. She diverts her attention back to screen, gawking at the stone intently.

"I will get you one way or another." Raven mumbled to herself.

After running a few more tests, Raven was clear to go. The brunette went back to the old house she knew and loved. Ever since she was sent down to Earth for the mission at the age of 3, it took a toll on her. They weren't like any other human being. The moment their heart started beating, they were able to attain memories. She remembers every memory up until she went to Earth.

At the age of one, Raven was trained to be mentally prepared by The Apparatus. It took them almost two years until they deemed her ready for Phase 2. The drop. They prepared and chose a family for her. Of course, the family was under the impression that she's their own, but some minds are harder to sway than the others. Phase 3 is the search. When the subject finds the stone, he or she must take it at all cost. Unfortunately for the group, Raven was unlike any other. Even when she was trained, the council thought she was special. She exceeded their expectations. They knew she was a tough one to crack. They couldn't control her. But, they sent her down anyway. Her mind wasn't anyone to control.

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