Chapter Six: The Return

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After the rough landing, Raven remained focused toward the enormous structure in front of her. The glowing letter 'A' is pulling her in. Something about this place feels oddly familiar.

The brunette scrambles inside as she could not gain a reading on Laura and her whereabouts. After many attempts on calling for her through the use of comms, there was no answer on her end. Raven grew worried as she was running out of options to look for her. Knowing that she's not safe in front of this building, she teleports the pod out of the open field and somewhere else.

Raven ended up in the middle of nowhere, god knows where. She let the frustration grow stronger as all of her methods of finding her partner were shut down by endless loop of failures.

After Jarvis had informed the team about the mysterious pod-like plane in the middle of the field, everyone rushed toward the conference room where they all discussed their theories.

"Sir, if I may, that is the exact same hovercraft that appeared on Ms. Woods' grave the night her body went missing." Jarvis spoke, causing heads to turn at the screen and its content he pulled up. "If you look at the wing of this plane, it is the exact same replica, if not it could possibly be the same."

"You're correct. Pull a side to side picture of the pod and the wing." Tony instructed as she stood up from his seat. "Everyone agrees that this is the same?" He turned his attention to his team.

"What could this mean for us?" Steve asked, perching himself up on his seat.

"Whoever is inside that pod could lead us to her body's whereabouts." Stark answered sternly. "We just have to track its current location and we'll go from there."

"How do we do that?" Bucky intercedes.

"I have no clue but we'll think of something. We have to." Stark mumbles under his breath, gawking at the screen. "We have to get her body back."

The rest of the members nodded in agreement as they stared into oblivion, thinking of ways they could help the billionaire. Despite not having to meet the younger woman, Bucky knew that she's significant to the team. He is willing to help in any way he can to retrieve her body back. They all do.

After many restless nights of tracking the pod that vanished out of thin air, Tony grew impatient. Even with the help of SHIELD, he came empty handed like he always does when it comes to looking for her body. It's like she doesn't want to be found.

Eventually, everyone started coming back. Bruce came back a few days after Stark's SOS message. Then follows Clint, Pietro, Thor, and even Peter. After learning that her body went missing, everyone rushed to the compound with questions on the back of their heads.

"Have we figured out where it went?" Clint asked.

"No, I've been empty handed for the past couple of days." Tony groaned, throwing his hands into the air. "I ran through an extensive scan within the 500 mile radius and even more but it disappeared like it never existed. Nothing. No scans of any aircraft."

"Have you tried scanning other places?" Thor butted in, reaching over to one of Tony's iPad.

"Yes, I've done every state, every continent. Nothing. It's like whatever this thing is, it's completely undetected." Stark announced, plopping himself back to his chair.

"Are we ruling out as to whether or not the girl is alive? Clint added, causing a few heads to turn to him.

"We can't make that kind of assumption." Steve said, taking charge. "As of right now, our main focus is finding that pod. We have to retrieve her body. It's the least we could do."

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2021 ⏰

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