Chapter Three: The Apparatus

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Raven struggled to go back to sleep after hearing the familiar voice in her dream. The feeling she received after those words ran around her mind was chilling. It was like a passage between two people and she could not quite shake the feeling she's getting from it. Somehow, she felt connected to the voice and the missing piece she felt inside of her chest is slowly filling itself in.

After many attempts of going back to sleep and the short naps that came with it, Raven has given up. She averted her eyes outside of her window, noticing that it's morning. The brunette retreated away from her bed, starting her morning routine.

Tobias was the first to wake up, so he took it upon himself to prepare breakfast for his two siblings. Octavia doesn't have work today which is ideal for her considering that she wants to spend as much time as possible with her younger sister. Raven slowly made her way to the kitchen where she found her older brother making waffles. The smell of it being made in the maker fills the room and it makes her feel homey.

"That smells fantastic." Raven mumbled under her breath, eyeing the waffles on the plate.

"Oh good you're up." Tobias smiled, plopping for waffles on the plate. "Do you want coffee or OJ?"

"OJ please."

The brunette took a plate of her own before taking a couple of waffles to eat. She pulled the syrup that was in the fridge before seating herself in one of the vacant chairs.

"O still asleep?" Raven asked, taking her first bite out of her food.

"Yeah, she had to go back to work late last night for something. It sounded serious. She didn't get back until three in the morning."

Raven nodded before shoving more pieces of waffles into her mouth. She took comfort in the savory flavor of the food along with the freshly squeezed orange juice.

"How was your first night back?" Tobias asked, making conversation while he made more goods.

Raven exhaled softly, "It was okay. I just had a bit of a weird dream last night if you can even call it that."

"What do you mean?"

"I heard this odd but familiar voice in my head last night." Raven began narrating her short lived dream. "I know it's a voice from a person I haven't met before but it felt so familiar that it started filling the void in my chest."

"Wow, that sounds serious. Any theories who it could be?"

Raven shrugged, "Absolutely no clue." She sliced herself another bite size waffle, shoving it into her mouth. "I feel like something is still missing. It's like someone took something very important to me."

"I mean, they did if you think about it." Tobias cracked a joke, earning a harmful eye roll from his little sister. "Maybe whoever this mysterious voice was, it must've been from the memories they erased from your head."

"Yeah, maybe." Raven bit her lip in thought. "I don't understand why they would even consider erasing people's memories."

"The Apparatus believes that it is unnecessary and a waste of space to keep memories from a place that harbored the stone." Octavia interjected, causing their heads to turn to her. "The law precludes, after attaining the stones, the memories that the test subject acquired will be deleted by all means necessary."

"That's a stupid fucking rule." Raven muttered under her breath. "And plus, I never even got the stone. I forgot that I had a mission the second they sent me down there for."

"They are thinking of sending you back." Octavia dropped the bomb on them, making them stop what they were doing.

"What do you mean?" Tobias asked.

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