Chapter Five: The Drop

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Even after a little over a month has passed by, the billionaire didn't give up. With the little to no lead of her body's whereabouts, Stark still managed to make do with what he had. Endless nights of research and theories. After sending an SOS to his team as his last resource, Tony awaits for their response.

"Sir, you have a message from Mr. Rogers." Jarvis pulled the man out of his trance.

"Read the message." Tony grumbled, massaging his temples to feel better.

"I'm taking the first flight back. I'll see you tomorrow."

Tony nodded before typing something into his computer.

"What about Widow? Have we heard from her?"

"Unfortunately, not sir."

"Damn it, what about the others? Barton? Bruce? Odinson?"

"None of them have returned any of the messages."

Tony grew frustrated as none of his teammates, besides Cap, answered any of his messages. After contemplating for a few weeks as to whether or not he should say something regarding Raven's missing body, he finally came to the conclusion to break his silence.

Twenty four hours have passed by and Tony awaits for Rogers' return. After not seeing him for months, he was glad that he managed to reach him despite the lack of contact.

"Sir, Mr. Rogers is here." Jarvis warned him.

Tony stood up from his seat inside the conference room, watching Steve approach him with Bucky and Sam.

"Stark, long time no see." Cap offered him a smile as he pulled out his hand for a friendly shake.

Tony returns the gesture, "likewise. I see you brought your friends."

"I don't know why you're acting like you don't know us." Sam scoffed, giving the billionaire a playful punch to the arm.

"What seems to be the problem, Stark?" Steve interjected their harmless banter.

"For about a little over a month now, Woods' body have gone missing." Tony dropped the bomb, waiting for their response.

"A month? Why are you just telling us now? Who else knows? Does Nat or Wanda know of this?" Steve pierced the billionaire with questions.

"It's not exactly easy to reach all of you. I've had to go through a lot trying to get in contact with you. As for your other questions, Fury told me about it. Neither does Nat or Maximoff know of this. I can't get in contact with either of them."

"I'll try and reach Widow, I saw her in Russia about a week ago." Bucky intercedes.

"What about Wanda?" Steve asked.

"As soon as we get in contact with Romanoff, we'll try and get her to persuade the girl to come back here."

"And what exactly? I don't think she's going to want to come back only to find out that her girlfriend's body is missing. She's hurting Stark and unless we find some solid leads, we have to leave her out of this." Sam pointed out, earning an apologetic look from Tony.

The four exchange looks, wondering what their next move could be. Whatever it is, someone is going to end up getting hurt.

With only a week left until the drop, training had gradually taken a challenging turn. The Cerebral had taken their simulation ten notches from before, pushing both the two agents to their limit.

"Again!" Orpheus instructed as Laura began to fight a very well trained security guard. "Remember Agent Fitz, the people from the ground will be stronger and agile. You have to be physically prepared."

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