Chapter 2: Bonding

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I saw them looking at each other. It hurt. I was standing looking out the window about midnight. That's when I heard the footsteps.

"Can't sleep either?" I said to the approaching figure.

"Nope." Robin stood next to me. "You doing alright?"

I nodded.

"Raven.. What's been going on lately? Are you sure you're okay?" He took my hands in his.

"Nothing's been going on.. I guess I just thought.." My voice trailed off.

"Thought what?" He looked up at me eyes shining. My own must be too, but mine with tears.

"Raven.." He kept talking but I quit listening.

Soon I found myself being encased in a tight grasp. Without thinking I burst away. Robin fell to the ground, a shocked look on his face. The sight caused me to begin to giggle, then I was laughing, and soon it was a full out cackle.

"Shush!" He hissed blood rushing to his face, I could tell he was fighting laughter himself. "You'll wake the others!" A few moments passed and no confused Starfire, grouchy Cyborg, or even more stupid than usual BeastBoy showed their face. Robin breathed a sigh of relief.

"You up for it?" I gestured to the game counsel.

"It's nearly one in the morning and you want to play games?" He chided me. I just shrugged. With a huff he caved following me to the sofa.

"How are you winning? You don't even like this game!" I could hear Robin whining but I ignored him.

"Ravennnnnnn." He drug my name out like that would make him better at this wretched game.

"What are you guys doing?" I looked up to see BeastBoy with a refreshed cyborg and chirpy Starfire behind him.

"Beating Raven!" Robin cheered happily as he passed me. I didn't bother to mention that I am two laps ahead. He will see when the race ends and our scores appear.

"I am so happy you two have made friends again!" Starfire ran and hugged us interrupting the game.

"Star! Get out of the way! Why would you-" Robin covered his mouth but it was too late. He had snapped at Starfire.

Tears welled in her eyes as Cyborg's and BeastBoy's went wide.

"Tsk tsk. Robin Robin Robin, you should never yell at a lady. Are you alright Starfire?" A figure emerged from the elevator.

"Speedy." Robin narrowed his eyes to slits.

"Did you miss me?" Speedy smirked.

His presence has now ruined my perfect day. I didn't think anything could could bring me down until now.

"Excuse me.." Shooting Speedy a glare that could pierce glass I flew from the room.

"Raven? We didn't finish our game!" I heard Robin call after me.

I stood in front of my mirror. "They'll understand.. I'll be back before dinner. Speedy just makes you crazy."

I wasn't bothered by talking to my reflection. Scribbling a note about going to see a film with Jinx and how they shouldn't be in my room, I began preparing to leave. Clean clothing and a text to Jinx later I was ready. I dropped the note on my bed knowing someone would come in and find it. I need my own separate security system, a magical one that Cyborg can't hack, Robin can't break, and BeastBoy can't slip past in any form. I slowly slid out of my room and the tower unnoticed. Or so I thought.

"Where ya going?" I turned to face Robin.

"Speedy just.. I don't feel like putting up with him. Jinx and I are going to see a movie." I explained trying not to sound rushed despite it starting in ten minutes.

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