Chapter 2: Wild Goose Chase

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Makoto moved quickly, his pace picking up in speed as he followed the girl down the hall. He bumped into many students, many of them noticing the tent in his pants but this would not be the craziest thing Makoto has been seen doing at this school. He couldn't let this girl get away, everything about her presence excited him. A part of him wished she had put her hands on him back when he was on the floor... Even if it was a punch to the face.

Charleeze could hear heavy footsteps trailing behind her and she was genuinely scared, she had just gotten to Japan and she's already being hunted by a freak with green hair. She may be bald, but at least her hair wasn't green. She turned many corners in the halls to throw her perpetrator off, she did not want to cross paths with him again. He was a little too weird for her liking, plus he had a lot of cracker dust in his hair; she had noticed that earlier.

She hurried to her locker to grab her coat and get out of the school before that guy could find her, the hall was empty and she looked around paranoid. As she unlocked her locker she kept an ear out for any odd noises, she was ready to attack him if necessary. She swung her locker open and pulled out her coat, it was big and made a lot of noise. She halted her movement for a second as she could hear the footsteps coming towards her from around the corner. "Hell nah, I'm going home this is too much" she whispered to herself as she attempted to pull her timbs out of the tight space. She tugged at the boots for a moment more before she decided to leave them and run, this was no joke this guy was a lunatic. She took off full speed with her jacket in her hand.

She didn't hear any steps behind her so she turned her bald head to look back and saw that she had left her locker wide open, and the weirdo freak had decided to stop chasing her and look through it. She blinked at the sight of his tall figure curiously rummaged through her things.

The audacity, she thought to herself as the fear quickly melted away and was immediately replaced by anger. She stomped back to the locker and kicked it shut on Makoto's head, he fell back and his facial expression revealed to be a sweet, yet sadistic smile. He had a wig clutched in his hand and Charleeze's heart sank when she saw it.

She charged at him and reached out for his hand to wedge the wig from his grasp. "This my new 26 inch wig! let go of her!" They both fell to the floor as they wrestled for the hair. Makoto was not particularly interested in the Aliexpress wig, but he was willing to do anything to be touched by this woman. He closed his eyes and hummed in pleasure as she straddled him and began to suffocate him in an attempt to get him to unhand her 26 inch deep wave. When she realized he was loving all of it she immediately stopped. Charleeze had never met someone like this before, as he opened his eyes in confusion she looked down at him in disgust.

She can really see me, for who I am.

With his back pressed against the cold, dirty, school floor, and his hands over his head, Makoto realized how precious this moment was. His eyes glistened as he watched the array of emotions coming from Charleeze as she sat still on his chest, she switched from anger to confusion so gracefully. He felt honoured that he could pull this much emotion out of her.

Charleeze pulled back her fist and swung at Makoto's big head beneath her. A whack echoed through the empty hallway, followed by a grunt from Makoto. He was punched clean in the face, they both sat in silence for a second or two. Charleeze reached over his head and pulled on the wig expecting Makoto's grip to be loosened after she had hit him, but it wasn't. Nor was the smile wiped off his face, he looked up at his woman. She didn't know it yet but that was the moment she claimed him, that hit was going to bruise and Makoto was going to tell everyone who asked him about it that it was a love mark. He smiled a toothy grin at the thought of how the conversations would go.

Charleeze raised an eyebrow. "You're crazy"

"Crazy in love" He replied with a smirk and half lidded eyes.

"You think you're funny?" Her child-like voice began to get much louder as she stood up and turned her attention to her coat she had dropped on the floor during the tussle. "Stay away from me bitch!" She stomped on Makoto's wrist and his fingers immediately loosened up on the wig as a response. He moaned feverishly as she bent over and tore the wig from his grasp.

"Or what?" Makoto questioned her playfully as he propped himself up on his elbows, following her movements with his eyes. "What are you going to do to me?

She threw the disheveled wig in her locker, shut it with a loud slam, and walked away without saying another word.

"I like my women mysterious..." He said mostly to himself, as he bit his lip and watched her walk away with his eyes glued to her ass.

The whole thing was all so exhilarating to Makoto, he could only catch his breath as he laid on the floor, his face burning and the pain in his wrist thumping. I need to find out more about this girl... Where is she from? Who is she?

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