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"Aoi-chan, where's Amane-kun? Class is about to start" she asked worriedly

"He texted me last night to notify Tsuchigomoro-sensei that he'll be absent today because there's an emergency" her friend replied

"Thank you for telling me, Aoi-chan" she returned to her seat worried about her friend

(Time Skip)

They only had a half-day class. All the teachers are said to have a meeting so they were released early

"Senpai, should I tag along?" He asked her as they exited the campus grounds

"It's fine, Kou-kun. I can go there by myself" she smiled to reassure them

"Update us later, okay?" Aoi said and she nodded. They bid farewell and went separate ways 

Yashiro arrived at the Yugi residence and knocked on the door. Seconds later, she heard faint footsteps and a door being unlocked. The door opened and revealed a depressed-looking Amane

"Yashiro?" He was surprised to see her. He wasn't expecting Yashiro to visit him

"Aoi-chan said there was an emergency and I was worried so I came to check up on you" she replied. He smiled a bit and let her in. They both sat on the couch and she began observing him

"Where's Mr and Mrs Yugi?" She asked

"They're at the hospital to check up on Tsukasa" he replied and she hummed

"You know you can tell me anything, right? I won't force you though. Just speak if you're ready or if you want to" they both went silent afterwards. Minutes later, she saw him relax and sighed deeply

"You already know Tsukasa is in a coma, right?" he started asking and she hummed in response

"Even now, I still can't remember how my brother got into an accident. I tried to ask my Mom and Dad but they won't give me an answer" he sighed again

Amane went silent again while Yashiro waited patiently for him to continue

"Last night... the hospital called us and we hurried there... T-tsukasa's heart stopped beating for two whole minutes luckily he got revived. I- I thought I was gonna lose him" tears started coming out of his eyes as he harshly wiped his face. Yashiro approached him and hugged him. He continued crying and she comforted him

"I'm sorry for soaking your uniform" he apologized later on after he calmed down

"No worries Amane-kun and I won't say 'stay strong for Tsukasa', 'you can do this' or cliche stuff like that" she said


"No one understands you more than yourself. Cry if it pains you. Cry until you can't shed tears anymore and I'll continue being your comfort and take away your sadness, and pain." she stood up and smiled as she extended her hands. His mouth quivered and he looked down on his lap. A few tears escaped his eyes and he instantly wiped it off. He took her hand and gave her a smile

She took him to a place that she knows that will help him relax a bit

"It's been awhile since I last visited an arcade!" he yelled in excitement and dragged her to play with him

They played various games and won multiple prizes. Endless laughter can be heard by the duo as they continued having fun. Yashiro brought donuts and Amane thanked him happily. They both decided to go back home. The duo hop of the train and were now walking on the street. The sun was slowly descending and painted the sky with different shades of colours

"How do you feel right now, Amane-kun?" she asked as she continued walking while he was trailing behind

"I'm fine now. Thanks to you, Yashiro" he replied. She stopped in her tracks and he did the same. She looked back at him and smiled

"Remember, Amane, no one deserves to suffer alone. You have me" she smiled. 

Amane felt himself stopped breathing as he looked at her. The descending sun was shining behind her making her glow like an angel. He smiled softly at her and they began walking again. He sprinted a little to catch up to her and they were now walking side by side. He subtly glanced at her and began to think

'You know, Yashiro. Sometimes, you shine so brightly, that I must look away. But even so, is it okay to stay by your side?'

(Dayum! In the last part, I felt that. No fujoshi Nene for today. Next chap will be KouNene ;;p JAAAAYYY OUT!)

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