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Yashiro was wearing jeans a white oversized shirt with the Karasuno jacket that Amane gave her as a present. While Amane was wearing a black oversized sweater with a collar and jeans

"Let's go" Amane guided her inside the theatre.

They sat at the farthest and the lights turned off signalling that the movie is starting. It was dark with only the light from the screen accompanying them along with the other audience.
They were watching the new movie called The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It

Amane chose this movie because he imagined Yashiro getting scared that she would eventually hold his hand without knowing that she was a fan of horror movies. (Spoilers ahead)

He shivered in horror when blood started coming out of the shower. His face scrunched in disgust. He looked at the girl beside her and she was nowhere near scared. In fact, she was getting hyped

He began eating his popcorn to ease his nervousness. Later on, he jumped on his seat when the guy started crawling towards the other

"Are you okay, Amane?" She asked in concern and he nodded

Instead of Yashiro holding his hand, it was the other way around. Another jumpscare appeared and he was literally hugging her as he buried his face on her neck. She tried containing her laughter and comforted the other

(Time Skip)

"You look pale, Amane?"

"That movie scared my soul out of my body" he exaggerated and she laughed at him

"Why did you chose that movie then?"

"I was curious" he lied

"So, what do you think about the movie?"

"Scary... But it taught me how powerful love is" he said dramatically and she laughed at that

"Anyway, let's head to our next destination!"

They went to a bowling centre because he heard that she wanted to try bowling once

"Sit here for a bit. Look closely okay?" She obliged and stared at him intensely

He picked a blue heavy ball and inserted his three fingers in the hole ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  just kidding)

"Here I go" he swung his right hand and rolled the ball on the long narrow lane


"You're so cool, Amane!" She exclaimed

"Of course I am. I wouldn't be Amane if I wasn't cool" he stood proudly and pose while she was dying in laughter

She wanted to try so he taught her how. She couldn't get a strike but at least she got to knock some of the pins down. They both took turns and continued playing until they were worn out

They got hungry so they went to the snack bar and ate. Afterwards, he led her to the cliff that was near the bowling centre

"What are we doing here?" She asked

"Yashiro, what will you see when the sun sets?" She looked at the peaceful horizon where the sun began to sink down the ocean

"A dark sky?"

"With stars" he added

He placed some blankets on the grass and set his telescope

"That's why you were carrying that large bag on your back" she said

The colourful sky was replaced with a dark blanket full of infinite twinkling stars. It was a sight to behold for the duo

"The sky's so pretty" she grinned widely

"Look! The moon's out!" He excitedly points at the glowing moon

She took out her phone to capture the stars but the camera could only capture the darkness

"Something this beautiful should only be witness by our own eyes and engraved in our memories" he told her and she agreed

Amane began telling her fun facts about the stars and the moon while she continued looking through the telescope. They both laid down on the blanket and stared in awe as the stars continued twinkling with the accompany of the sound of the wave splashing harshly on the cliff

"So, is being with me more fun?" He asked in a joking manner

"I can't say" she replied in a teasing tone

"But I sure did have a lot of fun" she confessed

"Yeah... Me too"

"Are we gonna stay here till sunrise?" She asked

"Of course not" he replied instantly

"I was joking, Amane" she laughed

"Shall we go?"

"Wait... Look, Amane!" He followed where her finger was pointing and his eyes widened in amazement

They were so focused on the moon and stars that they failed to notice how wonderful the city lights are from afar

"Wow! I've witnessed many pretty sights today" she said in amazement

"I've witnessed many pretty sights too" he said as he looked at her. She got what he meant and blushed. She focused her gaze back on the city lights and so did he

"Thank you for always comforting me when I needed it, Yashiro. Ever since Tsukasa got into a coma, I lost myself" she listened attentively

"But ever since I met you, I found myself again. You were the reason" he smiled at her as he caressed her cheek

"I will always wear it"

"Wear what?" She asked confused

"The smile you gave me" she reddened in embarrassment

"Thank you for giving me a reason to smile again" they smiled at each other

They got up and headed to the bus station. They went inside the bus and sat on the farthest seat so they could get a better view of the city lights. The bus began moving and he opened the window. The cold breeze met their face and the air was refreshing.

Yashiro's head found its way to Amane's shoulder. She had lots of fun but every person has limited stamina. She got tired so she succumbed to darkness and went to dreamland. He looked at her and smiled fondly. He woke her up and he walked her to her house

"Thank you for today, Amane. Stay safe" she kissed his cheek and he instantly turned red

"It's my way of thanking you for your efforts and hard work. I kissed Lemon-kun and Kou-kun too" she giggled at his disappointed face

"Bye, Amane!" They both bid farewell and he went home

(Place your bets! Who will Yashiro end up with~~ JAAAYYYY OUT!!)

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