Chapter Three-He's a What Now?!

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After class finished I rushed out. I couldn't stand the smell of him any longer. It was weird. He smelt of blood, but it wasn't human blood. It was something different...

I end up thinking about it all day and I figured out that he wasn't a werewolf, faerie, or vampire. Well I knew he couldn't be vampire because of his eyes. It's impossible to make your eyes not red or black.


When I was walking home from school the clouds started to fade away, and the sun showed brightly! I got worried.

I've never really have been in the sun before. So this is new to me.

I get and extreme headache and I rush into some random store.

I look around and see the Dalton guy! And he's in a staff uniform....

Ugh, why does he have to work here?! I mean, out of all the places I bump into it has to be a shop he works at!

When he looks at me I look away and run into a row of terrible clothes.

They're frilly and pink... How disgusting..

I feel and pat on the back and then someone say, "Need help with anything?"

It sounds like a male, so I glance up. Of course, with my stupid luck it's Dalton.

I look outside and it's still as bright as lights on Christmas night.

"Well.. Do you possibly have any umbrella's?" I ask out of curiosity.

He smiles, "Of course, follow me."

He leads me somewhere in the back. Suddenly I feel a arm press tightly against my neck. My eyes get wide.

"W-wha..." I could only manage to say.

He laughs, "Surely you've noticed right? I'm a vampire slayer."

Wait, wait, wait!! Mother said they all died out!!

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