New Start

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Katie's POV
I drive to my friend Anastasia's house because I'm moving in with her. When I get there I'm greeted by open arms.

"How are you?" Ana asks.

"Good. Thanks for letting me stay here while I go to school."

"But tomorow you have to come with me somewhere," she said

"Where?" I ask, curious

"To the grey company,"


"Because I have an interview you don't have to go in just wait in the lobby."

"Fine," I said. I get settled in and go to sleep. I wake up, get ready and get in the car with ana and go. She goes in and in 15 minutes she's out. Then I see Mr. Grey, he is gorgeous

"Hello Ms.,"he says his voice deep


"Nice to meet you."

"You too."

"Well Anastasia until we meet again."

"Goodbye Christian." With that, we leave

"You like him, don't you?" i say


"So ask him out."

"You think I should after we just met?"


"Ok. I will." We get to the apartment and I go out exploring. It starts raining so I run to the car, but I run into someone

"Sorry," I say and then I see who it is. Its Christian Grey "Oh, sorry."

"Its ok," his said, voice deep. "Why are you out in the rain?"

"I was out exploring. you?"

"Running. Would you join me for dinner? "


He walks to his car, opens the door for me and then gets in. We drive to his apartment. when he opens the door, it is huge.

"This place is fucking huge!"

"Yes it is."

"Are you the only one who lives here?"

"Yes I am. Sometimes I get lonely."

"Well, I'm not surprised," then I turn around and i'm in his arms

"If you ever need a place to stay? I have enough room," he says, his lips inches from mine. Before I know it I couldn't resist I kiss him and he kisses back. he grabs my face in his hands but I pull away because I know Ana likes him

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have."

"I didn't mind at all. Why did you stop?"

"Age," I say not knowing what else to say because I feel Ana would be so embarassed.

"How old are you?"

"17. You? "


"See? 10 years. I should go," and before he can respond I walk out. I hear him come after me

"Wait its still raining. At least stay here for the night."

"Fine, but I don't have any clothes."

"You can borrow one of my shirts."

"Ok." We head back inside and I walk in. I turn around and bump into him again. I look into his grey eyes and then he kisses me. I know I should stop, but I don't.

"Come on," he says, grabbing my hand and pulling me to his room. Then, he kisses me again, more deeply. Then I feel him tugging at the ends of my shirt. We stop and take it off. He does the same and then we start kissing again. Before I know it he's fucking me

"Fuck," I say while breathing heavily. I'm close. Then I cum and he does too. He stops, grabs his clothes, puts them on, and leaves so i'm alone, naked. "Holy shit. What the hell just happened?" I think. I grab my clothes and then go knock on his door

"Come in." I hear him say and I walk in.

"You said I could borrow a shirt."

"Yes, of course," he gets up and grabs me a shirt. "Here you go."

"Thanks," I say. As I turn to walk out he says," I enjoyed that very much you know. I don't really care about the age." I turn around.

"I did too, but I think we should just leave it as a 1 night stand. Ok?"

"Why? Do you not like me now?"

"No, it's just that Anastasia likes you and she's my friend. I don't want her to hate me."

"But I don't feel the same about her."

"And you don't feel anything for me. So let's leave it at that," I say as I turn and walk out.

(So what do you think? Do you like it or no? Thanks for reading)

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