Changing? Or Not

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Christian has changed and I like this side of him. Right now I'm driving with Christian to my 5th day of working at his office. I've gotten used to it and I'm really surprised he hasn't yelled at me.
One day I forgot to do something and well, I thought I new he would yell so loud that the whole company could hear him.
"What are you thinking about?" Christian asks pulling me out of my zone.
"Nothing. Just glad I haven't screwed up yet," I smile looking at him.
"Why? You're worried?" He smiles back at me. I nod my head blushing. "Why?"
"You do get angry easily and you're hard to make happy." I look down, hoping he won't get mad.
"You make me happy." He lifts my chin up so I could look at him. I blush and it looks like he's leaning in but he stops when his driver tells us we're at work. I quickly grab my stuff and get out of the car.

I grab Christian coffee, tell him about his lunch and meetings today. That's basically what I do all day. Today was pretty boring until it was time to go home.
Christian storms into my office red in the face.
"What's wrong?" Seeing him like this is making me really scared.
"This fucking bastard screwed me over!" I don't walk near him.
"Calm down. Tell me what happened." I try and sooth.
"Don't tell me to calm down! You don't own me!" He yells at me.
"Well don't fucking come in my office when you did nothing wrong!" I start yelling back. I knew we had to be the only ones left in the building. Christian starts walking toward me, I feel the color go out of my face.
"I came in here because you keep me stable. You don't take shit from me." He pushing my against my desk. I know he looks at my lips. I thought he was going to kiss me.
"It would be easier for you to talk to me if you don't yell." He laughs.
"I'm sorry, let's talk about it when we get home." He looks at my lips I think one more time before walking away. I release this breath I didn't know I was holding. I grab my stuff and walk to the car with Christian. Dead silence.

When we get home I go straight to my room, change into some sweats and look at my social media.

Hey Katie I'm sorry for what I did but can I see you tomorrow at the coffee shop?

I contemplate it. I do have the day off but Christian wouldn't agree. He doesn't need to know and he doesn't control me.

Sure. I'll see you there at 11.

I know Christian will be busy with his only meeting tomorrow and that's why I have off. I'm not really hungry and Christian hasn't talked to me for awhile so I decide to go to bed.

I wake up at 9:30ish, look over at my night stand and see a rose and a note. What is this man doing to me? I smell the rose first, smiling, and then open the note.
Good morning beautiful. I hope you slept well. I will see you later tonight. -Christian
I get up, have some coffee and breakfast, get in the shower, put some jeans and a t-shirt on. I put on no make up and walk to the coffee shop. Ana is already there. I wave, seeing she's sober. She brings me into a hug.
"How've you been?" We sit down.
"Good, I got a job. How are you?"
"I'm in a group to help me." I nod my head glad she's getting help. We talk for over an hour until I know Christian will be home soon.
"Well I have to go, great seeing you." I get up hug her one more time and walk back to Christian place.

Not even 5 minutes after I get home Christian comes home. Perfect timing.
"Hey beautiful." He sets his stuff down and sits down as well. "How was your day?"
"It was good. I saw Anastasia today." He would've found out sooner or later, and he can't tell me who I can't and cannot see.
"You what?!" He tries not to yell.
"You heard me." I don't look at him.
"Without me? I thought I told you you shouldn't see her?" He surprisingly stays calm.
"You don't own me." I whisper.
"I'm watching out for your safety!" He yells back.
"I'm not safe here either! You have that weird ass room and you always yell had me!" I walk away and to my room.

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