Chapter 1: Kittypet

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Mittens walked out of her Twoleg nest, taking in the pleasant sunshine. She jumped up on the fence and looked out to the Thunderpath. A monster roared past.

"Hi, Mittens", mewed Daisy, the neighbors' cat, as she hopped onto the fence beside Mittens.

"Hi, Daisy." After a moment of silence, Mittens spoke again,

"I wish I could venture past my fence." Daisy looked at her in horror.

"Away from your housefolk?! Are you crazy?!" Mittens gave her an apologetic smile.

"Slightly", she replied. Daisy hung her head.

"I should've known you'd want to leave sometime."

"Don't worry about it. I probably won't go. I couldn't leave you and Thorn all alone", she mewed back, though she was really thinking a plan for her to sneak away.

"What about me?" a dark brown tom meowed, jumping on the fence.

"Nothing, Thorn."

"Mittens was thinking of leaving but I convinced her to stay", Daisy mewed, ignoring Mittens answer. "You were thinking of leaving?" Thorn meowed, looking at Mittens.

"No - W-Well yes, but n-not seriously", Mittens stuttered a reply. Thorn always made her nervous like this.

"Phew! It'd be horrible if you left, I-I mean . . . Good", Thorn meowed, blushing.

"Oh, really?" Mittens purred, making Thorn blush even deeper.

"Ugh break it up, lovebirds. You're making me sick!" Daisy interrupted. Now Mittens was blushing too. "Great job, Daisy! Now you made it awkward", Daisy muttered to herself.

"Anyway, I better get back to my housefolk; They'll be worrying about me", Thorn mewed as he jumped into his yard. Mittens sighed.

"You two are so gross", Daisy muttered as she made her departure. Mittens heard her Twoleg rattling her food bowl and jumped down from the fence for dinner. The forest will just have to wait for her.


"I've got you now!" Mittens cried as she leaped on the back of a fox. Its jaws barely missed her ear. She  dug her claws into its back, making sure she wasn't thrown off. The fox tried to crush her by rolling on its back but Mittens jumped off, onto its belly. she shredded it with thorn-sharb claws. Instead of crying for mercy, the fox started speaking in a sugar sweet tone,"Mi-ttens! Breakfast time!" Mittens heard her food bowl rattle and the forest disappeared. And once again, she was in her Twoleg nest. Her Twoleg, the one with the long brown fur on its head, was crouched in front of her with Mittens' food bowl. Mittens got up and streched, then padded over to her Twoleg. She ate the dry, tasteless cat food lazily. This stuff is worse than fox dung!, she thought as she grumpily cruched her food. She pushed through her cat flap outside. It was earlier than she thought, and colder, too. She jumped up onto her fence and looked out. Much to her surprise, she saw amber eyes glinting back at her from the other side of the Thunderpath, the forest. Her own ice-blue eyes widened at the thought of some blood-thirsty forest cat staring into her eyes. A shiver ran down her back as she saw the eyes blink, slowly. She quickly jumped down from the fence so the cat couldn't see. Yet it was almost as if she could feel the eyes watching her. She went into her Twoleg nest where the eyes couldn't follow. She relaxed as she entered the nest where she heard her Twoleg moving aroung in one of the dens. She felt one of their rough hands stroke her back and she purred.You couldn't get this in the wild, she thought as her eyes started to close. 

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