Chapter 7: Final Assessment

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Blackpaw purred and rubbed her muzzle against Streampaw's. "Blackpaw!" Blackpaw heard Moonheart caIIing. "Looks like I have to go", she mewed to Streampaw, looking wistfully over her shoulder. Streampaw put on a dissapointed look. "Okay", he mewed sadly. Blackpaw hated to see him sad. "I'm really sorry", she apologized. "Oh, don't be!" he mewed. "It's not your fault." 

"Well, then I guess I'll see you later!"

Blackpaw turned to leave their special hiding place behind the camp. She pushed through a hole in the barrier. "Blackpaw!" Moonheart called again. "Coming!" Blackpaw responed, annoyed. "Time for your final assessment!" she mewed as Blackpaw approached. Blackpaw flexed her claws anxiously. Streampaw, Rabbitpaw, and Greypaw's warrior ceremony was going to be this afternoon. Maybe she could join them? Moonheart snapped her out of her thought as she barked a command. "I'll be watching you to see your choices, actions, etc. Now go!" Blackpaw raced into the forest. Whare's best to hunt?, she thought, looking around. She decided to go to th Great Redwood, the tallest tree in the forest. She pelted there and sniffed for any scents of prey. Mouse! She listened hard and could here a tiny scuffling sound from within the roots of the Great Redwood. Blackpaw instantly dropped into a hunting crouch. She pinpointed the mouse and creeped towards it. Blackpaw pounced and quickly bit its neck. It fell limp in her jaws. She left a few seeds she had found as bait for prey and positioned herself under a bush. After a while, a squirrel bounced to the seeds. As it started to nibble it, Blackpaw leaped out of her hiding place. She landed squarely on the squirrel and killed it before it even knew what was happening. After she thought she had caught enough prey (two mice, one squirrel, and three starlings), she went back to the camp. Before she reached it, Moonheart caught up to her. "You hunted very well!" she meowed. Blackpaw nodded modestly, since she couldn't answer with a mouth full of prey. Once she arrived the camp, Blackpaw set her catches on the fresh-kill pile. "Blackpaw!" Streampaw cried as he saw her. They ran to each other and rubbed muzzles as Greypaw stood by jealously. "How was your hunt?" Streampaw asked eagerly. "Good. The prey is running well", Blackpaw responded happily. Moonheart came up and happily announced,"Blackpaw, you will join Streampaw, Rabbitpaw, and Greypaw in their warrior ceremony." Blackpaw's eyes opened wider. "I'm going to be a warrior?", she breathed.

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