Chapter 4: Mistakes

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Half-heartedly, Blackpaw clawed the elders' dirty bedding into a heap beside the exit. She spread the new moss around the den. Blackpaw carried the dirty bedding to the dirtplace, where she left it. "Hey, Blackpaw!" Streampaw called. "Hi, Streampaw", Blackpaw replied unenthusiastically. "What's wrong?" Streampaw asked, his high spirits dropping. "Nothing", Blackpaw mewed and plastered on a smile. She didn't want to bring Streampaw into her misery. Streampaw grinned and walked out of the camp at the call of Mossfur, his mentor. Blackpaw dropped the pretend smile and wearily sat down. "Blackpaw! We're going to train with Greypaw and Weedtail!" Moonheart called. "Okay", Blackpaw mewed grumpily. "Cheer up!" Moonheart mewed as she walked past. Blackpaw followed her into the forest. Weedtail and Greypaw were waiting in the Battle Clearing.  "Okay, today you guys are just gonna fight, no new moves", Moonheart mewed. Let's get this over with, thought Blackpaw as she crouched, ready to spring at Greypaw. Greypaw jumped first, giving her the advantage. Blackpaw was ready, though. She rolled out of the way at the last minute, leaving Greypaw lying in the dust. All the breath was knocked out of Greypaw, and Blackpaw saw it as a chance. She leaped on Greypaw, and light bit her scruff, not enough to draw blood. Greypaw flipped around and scratched Blackpaw's back, claws unsheathed. Blackpaw yowled in pain. She bit Grepaw's ear and wouldn't let go. Greypaw ripped herself away. "Stop! This is just a training session!" Moonheart screeched. She and Weedtail pulled the two apart. Greypaw was hissing and spitting while Blackpaw looked in horror at what she had done. "I-I'm sorry", she stuttered. Greypaw looked away. Blackpaw struggled out of Moonheart's grip and ran.  Where? She didn't know. Why does Clan life have to be so complicated?, she thought. I'm trying to fit in! I'm trying to be nice!  Lost in her thoughts, Blackpaw ran straight into a ball of fur. She tumbled backwards to see Streampaw looking back at her. He smiled. "Well, hello!" he meowed. blackpaw blushed. "Sorry", she mewed. "It's okay", he mewed back. ""Are you ready to tell me what's really wrong?" 


"Don't play dumb, i know something's wrong."

"Okay, fine. . ."

"Go on . . "

"I just don't fit in. And Greypaw doesn't like me."

"Oh, she's just jealous because I like you."

"You like me?"

"Yeah, I thought it was obvious."

Streampaw smiled.

"Well, that's good because I like you, too."

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