Chapter 5: The Big Question

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Blackpaw purred and shifted herself closer to Streampaw. He purred back. "We better be getting back to camp", he meowed after a moment. "Yeah", Blackpaw agreed. She got up and stretched. They walked back to camp together.

"Let all cats old enough to climb a tree gather under Clanrock for a MossClan meeting!" Foxstar yowled. A dark grey she-kit and a black tom-kit sat in the middle of camp. "It is time to make two kits apprentices. They have had six moons to learn what being a kit of MossClan is, now they will learn what being a warrior of MossClan is. Stonekit and Crowkit. From now until you earn your warrior name, you shall be known as Stonepaw and Crowpaw." His eyes searched the crowd of cats. "Fireleaf, you will mentor Stonepaw and Pinewood, you will mentor Crowpaw", Foxstar meowed at last. "Stonepaw! Crowpaw!" the Clan cheered. Streampaw went up to them, Blackpaw behind. "Hello", he mewed. "Hi", Crowpaw mewed back. Crowpaw was a very big cat. He was already a little bigger than Streampaw. Hard muscles rippled beneath his pelt. He teetered on his tiptoes to look at Blackpaw. Crowpaw went around Streampaw, to Blackpaw. "So, you're the new cat?" he mewed curiously. "Yup", Blackpaw answered carelessly. "Cool", he replied awkwardly. Streampaw rolled his eyes. "Anyway, as I was saying, I can show you two good nests in the apprentices' den", he mewed. "Sure", Stonepaw mewed immediately. "Crowpaw?" Streampaw mewed after a moment. "Uh, sure", he meowed, following Streampaw to the apprentices' den.  Blackpaw went with them. Crowpaw fell back to walk beside Blackpaw. "So. . . I was wondering . . If you maybe wanted to", he started. "Crowpaw!" Pinewood interrupted. "Forest exploring time!" "Duty calls!" Crowpaw meowed with an apologetic shrug. He departed the camp, into the forest. Streampaw came out of the apprentices' den and over to Blackpaw. "Where'd Crowpaw go?" he asked. "Had to leave because of Pinewood", Blackpaw responded. "Too bad", Streampaw chirped, smiling. "Streampaw!" Blackpaw gasped. Suddenly Streampaw became very serious. "Listen, Blackpaw. I don't want other toms. . . in love with you. I want to to be mine. I want you to be my mate", he mewed. 'S-Streampaw. . .I-I don't know what to say", Blackpaw mewed. "Yes?" Streampaw muttered. Blackpaw wanted to say yes, she really did. But for some reason, the words couldn't be forced out. "I-I just met you", Blackpaw mewed stallingly. "If you don't want to, you could've just flat-out said,'no' ", he mewed. Blackpaw could tell he was hurt. "But I see you're the type of she-cat to has to do it slowly, painfully." His gaze hardened. "Please . . It's not like that", she started. "No, Blackpaw, I think it is like that", he mewed angrily, shoving his face a whisker from Blackpaw's. He stomped out of the camp. "Please . . ." Blackpaw whispered after him.

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