Chapter 3: Acceptance

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Mittens was at a loss for words. "I-I don't know", she stuttered. "You may decide later", the orange tom meowed. "You can stay the night in the apprentices' den." Mittens nodded. She got up and started to go a direction, then she remembered that she had no idea where the apprentices'  den was. A silver tom and a fluffy grey she-cat with a white tail came up to her. "I'm Streampaw and this is Rabbitpaw. The apprentices' den is over here", the silver tom mewed, heading in the direction of a big bush with low, swinging branches. He pushed the branches aside with his back, clearing the way for Mittens and Rabbitpaw. He quickly went into the den, the branches snapping behind him. "Here's some unused moss. You can make your nest here", Streampaw mewed. A dark brown tom, grey she-cat, and silver-blue tom were sleeping in different nests. Mittens stepped over them to the heap of moss in the corner. She turned in circles, pressing the moss down with her paws, then set her head on her paws and tried to sleep. Her eyes started to close, and before she knew it, it was dawn. "Mittens", Streampaw called softly. "I'm up", Mittens mewed, heaving herself onto her paws. "Foxstar wants to speak to you", he meowed. "Okay", she replied. She followed Streampaw, who led her to a rockfall leading up to a cave in the side of a giant rock. "Go up to that cave", he directed. "Foxstar is waiting up there." Mittens went up to the cave. Moss hung from the entrance. "Come in", a voice sounded from inside the den. Mittens pushed through the moss into the cave. It was pleasantly cool and the floor was litered with sand. "Hello, Mittens", Foxstar mewed. "Hello, Foxstar", Mittens mewed back. "So have you made your decision?" he questioned.

"Well. . .  I've thought about it." 

"And . . . .?" Foxstar meowed eagerly. What use would I be to him in MossClan? she thought. Mittens took a deep breath. "I'll stay", she mewed

" . . From this moment until your warrior ceremony, you will be known as Blackpaw. Moonheart will mentor you in your warrior training. Welcome to MossClan", Foxstar mewed. Blackpaw was filled with pride. She touched noses with her new mentor, a pretty white she-cat with grey and grey-blue splotches. She looked about sixteen moons old. "Pleasure to have you in the Clan", Moonheart whispered to Blackpaw as she licked her shoulder. "Pleasure to be here", Blackpaw whispered back. "Blackpaw! Blackpaw!" the Clan cried. Blackpaw stood up straighter and tried to look worthy. Not everyone was cheering, though. There was a faded golden-brown tom, black and grey tom, and black and orange she-cat who were scowling instead. Haters gonna hate, Blackpaw thought. She held her head higher to those cats. Streampaw was cheering the loudest, with a silly grin on his face. Greypaw looked at Blackpaw jealously. Blackpaw ignored her. "Clan dismissed", Foxstar mewed. Moonheart led Blackpaw over to the entrance (and exit) to the Clan (or forest). "We're going to join Swiftcurrent's patrol on LeafClan's border", she mewed. "Okay", Blackpaw replied calmly, though she was exploding with excitement on the inside. My first patrol!, she thought. Welcome to Clan life!

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