The New Students: Ichika Orimura and Codathan Sengoku

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The girls at IS academy eyed the two boys in their classroom. One was Japanese.  The other with Amber skin and came from America. Many of the girls eyes his blonde red dread locks. How did he keep maintenance in regards to his hair was beyond the girls. 

Maya: Welcome to IS Academy. I am your teacher Ms. Maya Yamada. Today we are going to do role call and then from there we will get started on IS 101. But before we do that, we have two new students. Male students at that. Ichika Orimura. Codathan Sengoku.

Cody: Please, call me Cody.

Ichika was nervous. He had never been around this many girls before. Cody on the other hand? Most of Cody's siblings were girls. So he knew how to handle them thanks to the experience he had with his sisters.

Maya nodded and said: I apologize. Cody Sengoku.

Cody: There's no need to apologize. And I look forward to learning about the IS armor. 

Maya: Wonderful! I look forward to you learning about IS armor as well!

Maya Yamada was very chipper and kind. Compassionate and bubbly. Romantic and sweet. She was a woman of beauty. A woman of a figure girls would kill for. A woman of green short hair and dark blue eyes. Maya did the role call. When it came down to Ichika Orimura, he made himself look like an idiot. Not because he wanted to, but because he knew that these girls were expecting him to say something that would keen in their interest in him. When that backfired, it rewarded Ichika with a hit on the noggin by his older sister Chifuyu. Chifuyu had just returned from a meeting with the Council. 

After she explained that she would be the homeroom supervisor, Maya said to Codathan: Mr. Sengoku, would you like to introduce yourself to the class now? Pretty please?~

'Okay that is just adorable.'  Cody thought, he rose from his seat and said to his future classmates: Hi everyone. My name is Cody Sengoku. I was a superhero before I came here. How I became an IS wielder is pretty simple. I was at the wrong place and at the wrong time. Nevertheless, I put my hero duties on the back burner to see what this IS business is all about. I hope I won't be disappointed, and I look forward to working with you fine ladies. Thanks for having me here. 

Every girl, except for one, blushed. Handsome. Polite. Respectful. This one was a keeper to the eyes of the teenage girls. These were the same girls who were also impressed that Cody was a Superhero before attending this academy. They wondered what he would bring to the table as the second male to wield an IS armor.


After class, Ichika asked Cody: Hey, is it true that you're a superhero?

Cody grinned: Yep. Red Blur is my alter ego name. I used to fight crime. But then I found this mysterious egg thing and then the rest is history.

Ichika: So like with me? Because that's how I bonded with my IS.

Cody: Get outta here! Whoa, that's weird.

Ichika: I know right? My name's Ichika. Cody? Right?

Cody: Yep. It's an honor meet you Ichika. And I didn't know that the girl who picked me up from the airport was your sister.

Ichika: Yeah. She's my oldest sister. Chifuyu Orimura. Though at times I wonder if we're related due to all the beatings she gives me. 

Cody: And she wanted you to call her officer. That sounds like incest role-play. Did that ever happen in your house hold?

Ichika: N-No! Why would you ask me that?

Cody shrugged: A abusive older sister. One would think she's like that so she can easily have her "way" with you. I am just calling out what I see. Doesn't mean it's true. Anyways, so what was your life like before attending this academy?

Ichika: The usual before-

?: Ichika? Can I talk with you before class resumes?

Ichika:...Uh...Sure Houki. I'll talk to you later Cody. 

Cody nodded: Sure thing.  

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