All's Well That Ends Well?

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Tatenashi: Are you sure you want to go through with this?

Cody nodded: I am positive. Besides, you and everyone here made me pretty hard to kill. I promise everything will go well.

Ichika: And what if doesn't?

Cody: Then I will give my all and hope for the best. What I was taught throughout my life, is that no greater friend is this, the one who is willing to lay down his life. You all are my friends. I would do whatever it took to make sure that you all soar to newer heights and embrace your destinies. At the cost of my destiny being squashed. 

Houki: Be careful Codathan.

Cecilia: Yes. Do be careful.

Lin Yin: We'll be rooting for you!

Laura nodded: Yes. Oh and Codathan? 

Cody: Yes?

Laura: Thank you. You helped us protect Ichika. We could not have done it without your help. 

Cody smiled: Hey. It is the least I can do. I can tell how much he means to all of you. All of your devotions to Ichika are truly meaningful.

Laura and Charlie and Cecilia and Houki and Lin blushed: Thank you Cody.

Chifuyu:...I know you'll pull through. If not, thank you for proving your worth. 

Cody: Thank you for helping me prove my worth. All of you. It was an honor.

Tatenashi: You better win. And you better make it back. Our relationship is about to take an astounding leap. And I will not look for another when I've already found my soulmate. Understand me?

Cody: Right. Well I'll be going now! I'll see you all later!


Autumn: What is taking him so long? I hope he didn't lie to us.

Cody: No way. I am a man of my word. You girls have nothing to fear.


Cody laughed: It is amazing how you act so tough, and yet still can get scared so easily.

Autumn: Why you little garden gnome...

Squall: He does have a point. Codathan, when it comes to Autumn she is the one with all the bark and no bite. 

Autumn glared at Squall. Squall replied: Oh do not give me that look Autumn you know it's true. 

Madoka: You have arrived. We were thinking that you wouldn't show.

Cody: Sorry. Just giving some goodbyes before I came here. I hope you did not mind. If so, then I apologize for keeping a woman of your caliber waiting.

Madoka smiled: There is no need to apologize. 

Daryl: So you're the one who bested us huh? I wasn't around when the girls told me you found our location, but you are pretty young to be a IS wielder.  How did that happen?

Cody: It is a long story. Nevertheless I obtained my IS armor through my hero patrol. Some would call it fate, but I personally call it being at the wrong place at the wrong time. 

Daryl: I see. 

Cody: Are you girls ready?

Phantom Task: We are.

Cody: Cool. Then follow me.


Cody led the girls to a dusty plains. There was no life around. Only rocks and mountains and rivers. A perfect location for their battle. The six girls were on one side. Cody was on another. He smirked before summoning his IS armor. Shadow Knight appeared. The girls thought Cody would use him to fight against them. Cody said to them: Oh Shadow Knight is just the referee. I do not need him to fight all six of you. I can do that by myself.

Madoka: Can you?

Cody smirked again before he transformed. The aura was visible around him and black. His dreads were black and his eyes were black too. He took off his upper school attire, showing only him in his Tank top and lower school attire. Cody took his battle stance and said as the aura disappeared: Now then, lets do what we came here to do.

The girls readied themselves. Awaiting for the charge that would lead to the handicap battle. Despite it being a handicap, Cody was willing to face them like a one man army. Whether he lose or win, that didn't matter to him. What mattered to him, was the destinies that awaited his friends. Destinies of romance. Redemption. Happiness. Destinies of leadership. Courage. Bravery. Even though it would have cost him his desires, it didn't matter to him. No matter what would be the outcome of this one against six, what would never change about Codathan Sengoku? His desire to still be a hero. Even though he put his heroic duties on the back burner. 

Cody may not have had the harem. Cody may not have had the same persona and characteristics as Ichika. But there was one thing that made Ichika and Cody different, despite their brotherly bond. And that one difference, was how Cody was willing to become something more. Something else entirely. Even though he was never aware of it, Cody was willing to make himself a symbol. Cody was willing to make himself incorruptible. Cody was willing to make himself, a legend. 

This is where his story ends. Even though we know the outcome of this battle. After all, battles like these, are where legends, are made. 

The End ^w^

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