Brutal Training Makes Progress

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Cody: AUGH! .....Ow. One hand out....Grab the nearest object close to you...And use it to bring you back up again. Augh!-Ah, there we go. Dust myself off. Crack a few bones back into place. And I am ready for action. 

One week had passed. Cody was back at it again with his training. Making him skip class once more. Chifuyu saw this was going to be a regular thing, so she made a schedule for Codathan. For some odd reason, Chifuyu seemed to grow fond of the younger boy. He did remind her of Ichika when he was that young. Albeit Codathan was a powerhouse compared to Ichika. And each time she would go to look for him. To check on him. Sometimes have lunch with Codathan. Due to Codathan's private training, he would miss lunch. Chifuyu saw this as a opportunity to demonstrate her cooking skills. She did teach Ichika how to cook after all. 

She could hear the powerful blows above her head. She could only smile as she watched Cody spar with Shadow Knight, his IS armor. When he sensed Chifuyu was there watching, he paused the spar and dismissed Shadow Knight. 

Chifuyu: Hey. Don't stop on my account.

Cody: I am actually finished thank you very much.

Chifuyu: You know you can't be missing out on class. Or lunch. You're lucky that I care enough about you to give you a pass. Make a schedule for your sparring, and bring a packed lunch. Like I am doing right now. 

Cody landed before Chifuyu and replied: So what do you want? Do you want a medal for your act of kindness?

Chifuyu: If you were older I would want more than that.

Cody: Careful there Ms. Chifuyu. Would not want to ruin your reputation. 

Chifuyu giggled: Yeah Yeah. You're not as bruised up as before. I guess progress is being made. 

Cody: I would assume so too. How is everything with Ichika? Did he switch roommates again?

Chifuyu: More or less. But yes. He did. Why do you care for Ichika's well being so much?

Cody: Have you seen the girls here? They eye Ichika like he is that midnight snack they just cannot have. 

Chifuyu chuckled: I guess you're right about that. So, where are we eating this time?

Cody: Your favorite spot?

Chifuyu: By the waterfall?

Cody: That's the one.


At the waterfall location of IS academy, Chifuyu sat beside Cody.  While Cody began scarfing down the food for dear life, Chifuyu stared up at the clouds. Her mind pondering something. Chifuyu: How's the food?

Cody: Delicious as ever Chifuyu! You really know how to cook! This food is cooked just like my mother's food! It's amazing!

Chifuyu: I read in your Bio you come from a family with 230 siblings. Is that true?

Cody: Yeah. I am the youngest of the family. 

Chifuyu: Aw...The literal baby. How cute.

Cody: Watch it Chifuyu.

She giggled again: Sorry there mister tough guy. 

He chuckled: So I heard from Ichika that you and him were abandon by your parents. Is that ture?

Chifuyu:....Yes. Yes it's true.

Cody: Parents these days. Always abandoning their kids. Oh well, their loss. They missed out on the greatest daughter and son they could ever had. And that is coming from knowing you both for a week and a few days.

Chifuyu: Ichika doesn't think I'm the greatest. 

Cody: But he understands why you had to take care of him financially. 

Chifuyu:....Be that as it may, I wasn't kind to him. Nor was I the best sister he could ask for. I wanted to do more for him. But I couldn't. Mom and dad, they weren't around. And I did my best. But I wonder if my best was good enough. That's why I'm always so hard on him. Because I want him to be successful. I want him to be the best. I want him to never fail. Like I did. 

Cody:...Sounds like someone has been dealing with self issues. Look Chifuyu, you may not been the best sister, but you are the oldest. That means you knew what was best for you and Ichika. And he will not fail. Wanna know why? Because he comes from a family who's sister never failed him. No matter what you say. Sure you may not have been there for him all the time. But you strived so that he could have the best. So he could have what you didn't have. And to me, that is the greatest gift any older sibling could give their little brother. 

Chifuyu:...How are you so wise?

Cody: My mother and father. My siblings more so. They taught me everything I needed to know about life. Without them I would probably be a loss cause like so many others. But I am grateful that they stuck by me. Even as the Red Blur. Mom and Dad put me on home-study so I could be a hero full time. I will never forget them doing that for me. That is why I always train, because each time I do, I put everything my parents and siblings installed in me to the test. When I do that, it shows me the fruit that this tree is able to bear. Thanks to the helpers. 

Chifuyu:....If you were just a little older.

Cody chuckled. They continued to relax and look up at the clouds. Enjoying another's company. As friends. 

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