Chapter 3

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Hope has been waiting by docks for Josie for what felt like forever. She started picking her things up, ready to leave until Josie finally came, getting Hope's attention "Finally, you showed up, for a second I thought you ditched me" Hope clearly looked a bit upset. "I'm so sorry, I got caught up with this whole argument with Penelope and to be honest, I forgot that I was going to meet you here till Landon asked where you were" Josie winced when she realized she said the whole truth. Hope looked at Josie worriedly when she mentioned an argument she had with Penelope, not caring about why Josie was late anymore.

Hope set her things down and sat at the edge of the dock, gesturing for Josie to do the same. Both girls slowly swung their feet as it was hanging inches away from the water below. "Are you okay?" Hope said, breaking the silence as she looks over at Josie "Yeah, it's just sometimes Penelope can't really control her anger when she becomes jealous or impatient" Josie still looking at the lake avoiding eye contact "I've never told anyone, but it scares me when she gets too caught up in the moment. It's like she shuts me out and she lets this anger completely take over her" Josie felt a weight lift off of her chest and took a deep breath.

Hope put her hand over Josie's to comfort her but something caught her eye "Is that a bruise?" Hope looked at Josie, and something in her mind clicked "Did Penelope do this to you!?" Hope was looking at the bruise as her eyes widen. Josie neither denied nor confirm it which made Hope think she was right. "Josie, please talk to me, what happened?" Hope was starting to think that this was not the first time this has happened to Josie.

Josie felt overwhelmed, too many things going through her mind, whether or not it was right to tell Hope. She starts to cry quietly, while quickly wiping her tears. Hope felt remorse for her so she moved closer, putting an arm around her. Josie took this opportunity to rest her head on Hope's shoulder. Just for a few minutes both girls stayed like that, enjoying each other's company while looking at the lake. "I don't want to force you onto telling me anything, so whenever you're ready, you let me know okay?" Hope slightly rubbed Josie's arm so Josie doesn't feel obliged to say anything. "Thank you, Hope" Josie rose her head and gave Hope a smile.

"How come Landon was looking for you? Didn't you tell him where you were staying for lunch?" Josie asked, trying to change the subject. "Oh, uhm no, I guess I forgot to tell him, but it's fine since he usually reads when he's with me" Hope replied. "Wow, he sounds like a fun boyfriend" Josie said with an obvious sarcastic tone, playfully bumping into Hope's shoulder. "Okay, from one girlfriend to another, is it normal that he does stuff like that with me? I mean he never took me out on a date yet and we've been dating for like weeks now" Hope said with a more serious tone. Even though Josie meant it as a joke, Hope still thought there was some truth on what she joked about.

"What do you mean he never took you on a date??" Josie looked at Hope asking with a worried tone and as soon as Hope looked back, Josie thought how beautiful her eyes were, especially when the sun was hitting Hope's eyes, making her eye color: blue, pop. Hope noticed how intently Josie was looking at her which caught her off guard but nevertheless she tried to speak "He jus-".

"Your eyes are really pretty" Josie blurted, her eyes widen at the realization of what she just said. Hope chuckled "Thank you" Josie's cheeks turned red and immediately turned her head to look at the lake. Hope noticed and wondered why Josie got embarrassed but she ignored it "As I was saying, before you interrupted me by saying how pretty my eyes were" Hope teased. Josie could feel her cheeks getting red again but this time Hope didn't see because she turned her attention to the lake as well. "Landon's sweet and all but I'm starting to see that he's sweet like a friend and not a boyfriend" Hope sighed "Or maybe I'm overthinking everything and I'm the bad girlfriend" Hope laid back on the dock looking up at the sky. Josie looked back and figured she'd do the same. "I don't think you can ever be a bad girlfriend" Josie softly said as she stared at Hope.

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