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A Good Day to Serve.

Taehyung was hurled head-first into the prison cell. His mouth tasted dirt and straw-grass as he made contact with the ground.

The guards locked the door behind and left.

"Take me back to the King! I'll give him a piece of my mind!" Taehyung demanded banging the door of his cell.

A voice said. "Welcome."

Taehyung turned around. Holy shit! He wasn't alone. There was someone else - a man sitting idly in the corner, staring at him as he dug his nose. His cellmate for the day.

"Who are you?" Taehyung asked.

"My name is 2PM. Aah. Sorry. I meant Lee Junho. You?"


"Taehyung!" He smiled. "Come sit." The man took his finger out from his nose and wiped it on his clothes, then patted beside him. "I was so bored alone. Glad you're here to keep me company."

Taehyung took a seat beside him. With a heavy sigh, he informed, "Don't be so happy. I'm dying tomorrow."

"Messed with the King, huh?" He tsked. "What happened?"

"Aww, man. I accidentally helped the Princess escape...and also I said may have said some things to the King that I am not proud of."

Junho blinked, a bit startled by the honest confession. "Just what did you say exactly? It can't be that bad."

Taehyung smiled nervously. "I cursed."

Junho's eyes widened in shock, then he burst into laughter. The prisoner next door who had been eavesdropping in the conversation let out a chuckle as well.

"Oh boy! You're dead-meat" Junho said in an obvious tone.

The person next door commented, "Ha! This is going to be fun! I'm Taecyeon, by the way."

"Wow. Really? You are gonna laugh at my pain?" Taehyung said annoyed.

"I'm sorry!" Junho wiped away tears of laughter. "No one has ever dared to do such a thing."

"I am glad I made your day." Taehyung said sarcastically.

"I will pray for you, kid."

"Eh." Taehyung shrugged, trying to play it cool. "What's done is done." Leaning back against the cold stone wall, he asked, "What are you in for anyways?"

"Public urination."

Now, it was Taehyung laughing.

"I can't hold it in no matter how much I try. It's a medical condition!"

Taehyung understood.

"Aren't you gonna ask me how I got here?" Taecyeon asked.

"How did you get here?" Taehyung asked. He was expecting a nonsensical answer; one that would be comical. He was wrong.

Taecyeon giggled. "Nothing much. The usual. Murder."

Taehyung and Junho exchanged 'WTF' looks.

"I killed for a donkey I loved. Now, I'm stuck here." Taecyeon continued in a causal tone. "My ex-wife took the donkey though. Damn her!"

"You killed for a donkey?"

"Yup." The man showed no remorse. "In my defense, I had warned that guy. I said, 'No touching the donkey!' He said, 'What'chu gonna do? Kill me.'" Taecyeon laughed maniacally. "Look who's in the ground, Chansung!" Then, he shrugged. "Meh. People kill from time to time, you know."

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