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A Plum Wine to Share.

As he laid unconscious, Kim Taehyung couldn't help but ponder upon how he ended up in such a place. This was never a part of his lifetime plan. All he wanted was to become a surgeon, then get married, have kids.

Tsk. And, I haven't even kissed a girl yet.

A groan escaped his lips as he opened his eyes.

The sky had turned a pale orange as the sun set slowly.

Taehyung's head was still throbbing in pain. He felt a bit dizzy. Feeling uncomfortable, as he began to shift his body, he felt a weight on his chest. Glancing down, he saw it was the King, asleep beside him. His strong arm was wrapped around Taehyung protectively and his pretty head was nestled next to him.

Seeing this, Taehyung was stunned.

Why is he sleeping beside me?

Their faces only a few inches away.

As the evening glare of the orange sun fell lightly on the King's face, he was caught in a trance by the peerless beauty of the hero.

He is even more handsome up close.

His skin was flawless with a healthy glow, and his eyelashes were long. Taehyung could almost feel the warmth of his breath.

The King was radiant, as expected of a hero.

His heart pounded out loud.

In the heat of the moment, Taehyung's hand rose and slightly pushed back a strand of the hero's hair, tucking it behind his ear. His fingers gently moved lower and brushed against the lips.

The movement made the King's eyelids flicker. Slowly, those dark eyes opened and their eyes met.

Taehyung felt like his heart was on his throat. He quickly put his hand away.

The King stared at him. "You're awake."

"I'm awake."

"You're red."

"Am I? Haha. It's hot in here." He said quickly. Nervously, fanning himself with one of his hand.

What am I doing? Come to your senses!

The King sat upright. Then, slowly got off the bed.

"What happened to me?" Taehyung asked.

"You fainted."


"You were asleep for a whole day."

"Oh!" Taehyung was surprised. "Haha. I didn't expect the poison to be so strong."

"It was." The King stated flatly. "Why did you do such a thing? Why did you drink the wine?"

"Oh that. Pftt." Taehyung shrugged. "I guess I wasn't on my right mind that time. I remember thinking I did not want a servant to drink it and suffer. He might have a family to take care of."

"But you suffered."

"It's fine because I don't have anyone."

"So you're willing to die because you have no one?"


Oh, what to say? How to answer such a question? What Taehyung said was the truth. He really had no one here. And, shouldn't the King be praising him for trying to save a person's life?

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