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Where is the Heroine?

The King was absolutely drunk. He was all smiles and laughs - the complete opposite of when he was sober.
Taehyung couldn't help but smile at this cheery person before him.

"So, even the King can get drunk, huh?" Taehyung teased.


Taehyung chuckled. "Your Majesty, are you aware that when people get drunk they do stupid things like...where are you going?!"

The King was up on his feet and heading towards the door. "I am going to steal gayageum from my brother."

"At this hour?! Why?!"

"....Sing song for you."

Taehyung smiled warmly. "No one has ever sung for me. You want to sing for me?" He teased, sweetly.

"Mn." The King's ears turned red.

Taehyung giggled. He stopped the King before he could leave in his drunken state, thinking it would be best to save the King's reputation.

"You can sing for me some other time. For now, let's stay here."


Then, an idea struck Taehyung and a mischievous smile crept up on his face. "My friend, I want to know more about you. Will you tell me what I want?"

Jungkook nodded.

"Hmm. Where do I start?" Taehyung murmured. "Oh! Do you think I am handsome?"


A wide grin appeared on Taehyung's face. "Alright then. Do you think I am annoying?"


"Eh. But you kept ignoring me before." He faked a gasp. "Could it be...do you love me?"

Jungkook remained silent.

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Fine. Don't answer. Hmm. Let me ask something else. Why did you choose to spare my life?"

"Because the thought of you dead upsets me."

Taehyung couldn't believe how honest the King got when he was drunk! "Moving on. Will you ever let me leave the palace?"

Jungkook's pretty smile disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. "Never."

"Aee." Taehyung whined. "Why do you even want to keep me here? You should've just killed me when we had met!"

"Taehyung!" Jungkook scolded.

Realizing he may have sounded a tiny bit insensitive, Taehyung apologized.
"Fine. Last question." Taehyung grinned. "Is there someone you love?"

When he heard no reply, he shifted his gaze to the King, only to find him dozing off sitting upright.

A chuckle escaped Taehyung's mouth. "Okay. Time for bed."

Taehyung stood up and walked over to the King. Leaning down he wrapped one arm around the person and tried to lift the King up.

"Come on now." Taehyung murmured.

Finally, with strong effort, he is able to lift the drunken King on his feet. With Jungkook clinging onto him, he walks towards the bed.

Oof! He is so heavy! Ahhh -

Taehyung trips on their garments and falls down with a loud thud. The King lands safely on top of him.

"Aiyah. Get off." Taehyung ordered.

How to Chase a Royalty. [j.jk + k.th]Where stories live. Discover now